Frozen Embryos: Ethical Issues, Cryopreservation Risks, and IVF
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The ability to adjust and respond with flexibility and optimism is a lifeline to the struggling family. Learn how adaptability is one of the seven traits of effective parenting.
According to a study published by the American Psychological Association in 2014, millennials are the most stressed out generation. Gen Xers run a close second.
Stress is an inevitable part of our life as parents. Our kids have unexpected injuries, illnesses, issues, heartaches and dramas. Add that to the stress parents feel from marriage, work and finances. The ability to adjust and respond with flexibility and optimism is a lifeline to the struggling family.
Paul writes in Romans 5:3-5, “But we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” The early Christian church learned about adapting in the face of adversity. Yes, this is different than parenting, but the overall character trait is the same.
Related Content: Take our free 7 Traits of Effective Parenting Assessment to see where you rank in the area of adaptability.
With the trait of adaptability, we can be prepared to respond to the inevitable stress, demands and pressures that come with parenting.
We are living in a generation of distractions. Technology continues to expand and demand more of our attention, while activities, club teams and leagues seem to multiply like rabbits. Adaptability allows us to sift through all of this without losing our mind. You are able to create calmness for your family in the middle of chaos. Overall, adaptability not only has benefits to your sanity, but it will also help your family by teaching your children:
Kids learn to adjust when life throws them curveballs. They learn healthy ways to handle difficulties in life.
Kids learn that stress is inevitable and difficult, yet manageable. They learn ideas and skills for taking care of themselves when there are a lot of demands while maintaining connection and relationship.
Kids learn to see the bright side of things. They see circumstances in life as opportunities for growth, resets, or strengthening. They are able to quickly move out of a victim mentality and into a hopeful perspective.
They learn the need to forgive, grieve and press forward with optimism and flexibility. Kids learn to see what they own in life and what they don’t own when it comes to decisions and emotions.
Kids learn to see beyond the immediate moment. They learn to look at the bigger picture for greater understanding and wisdom about how to respond instead of react.
Our brain is designed to constantly learn. In fact, sleep helps prepare our brain for what the next day has in store, consolidating what today has brought. Adaptability is about learning and adjusting. A family that learns adaptability is bendable, but not breakable. God says He will be with us as we adapt to what life brings our way.
Learn more about our free 7 Traits of Effective Parenting Assessment.