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Navigating Your Preteen’s Body Changes

As adolescents undergo changes to their bodies, they will need to understand what’s happening, develop a positive body image and care for themselves.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Your adolescent is (or soon will be) in the midst of intense physical and body changes. Especially during the early years of this period. Virtually all systems in the body are involved. But those affected by new surges of hormones will generate the most attention and concern. Three issues will dominate the landscape:

Three Questions Your Preteen Will Ask about Body Changes

1. “What’s happening to me?”

If your adolescent has not received warning about the changes of puberty, conversations about this subject will be most reassuring. Even if your teenager already appears quite mature physically, the impact of hormones and rapid growth on emotions, energy and various parts of the body may not be clear to her — or you. Your input and, if needed, her physician’s can calm many concerns.

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2. “Do I like this body?”

Adolescents are keenly interested, at times seemingly obsessed, with body image. Both their own and everyone else’s. As a result, comparisons with others are always in progress.

No matter your teen’s opinion of herself, from her perspective someone will always seem to be better. Negative comparisons with that person — sometimes amazingly unrealistic — are likely. Also, an adolescent with an obvious physical deficit may be bullied by peers and develop a lifelong preoccupation with appearance. Accepting one’s body and taking appropriate care of it are important tasks to accomplish during this transition to adulthood.

Your job here is a delicate one.

Your teen will need generous doses of reassurance that worth is not dependent on appearance, even when the culture around her says otherwise. You will have to endure the fact that any positive comments you make about looks, temperament, accomplishments or inherent value may not be met with expressions of thanks. It may appear that what you say doesn’t count, but it does — in a big way.

Close-up of smiling African-American mom side-hugging your tween daughter

Help Them Soar Into Their Teen Years!

You want to guide your preteen well, but knowing how can be daunting, especially in a culture that goes against God’s design. In this video series, you’ll hear from parents just like you as they share how they used Focus on the Family’s "Launch Into the Teen Years" video-based lessons with their preteens to build a strong and biblical foundation for adolescence.

One challenge for parents will be to find the fine line between making constructive suggestions and being a nag. Your adolescent’s preoccupation with looks may not necessarily translate into specific actions to improve them. In fact, at times the opposite will be true. The current “dress code” at junior high, for example, may include casual, semi-unkempt looks in order to appear “normal.” Within limits, generational differences in clothing and hairstyles may not be worth a family battle.

But sometimes you may need to take the initiative. If he suffers from acne, he’ll need your help and some professional input to bring the blemishes under control. Also, if she is clueless about clothes, Mom or a savvy relative may need to help rehabilitate the wardrobe, a project that does not need to be expensive. Or if weight is a problem, tactful efforts to move the scale in the right direction may improve your adolescent’s self- image and general health.

These efforts should be positive. Stressing healthy foods and activities for everyone in the family without focusing all the attention on one person. If there is a major problem related to food — whether an unhealthy obsession with thinness, or weight that is far above the norm for a preteen’s height — professional help should be sought from a physician, dietitian, counselor or all of the above.

3. “Will I respect this body?”

Whether or not they are comfortable with their physical appearance, preteens must decide how they will care for themselves. Lifestyle and habits established at this age may continue well into adulthood.

And it is never too early for healthy respect for their one and only body. Model and encourage prudent eating habits. And you can also point out that exercise is also worth pursuing (in moderation) for its own sake.

Unfortunately, some teenagers harbor a mistaken belief that “nothing can happen to me” and engage in substance abuse, sexual misadventures. Finally, these risk-taking behaviors that could establish long-standing negative habits or leave permanent physical (not to mention emotional) scars.

Final Thoughts about Preteen Body Changes

If you’ve built a strong foundation on topics of body changes and self-care, your child’s concept of respect for his body will have roots dating from the preschool years. Even so, reasonable vigilance, good role modeling and forthright and open conversations about risky behavior will need to be on your agenda until your adolescent has completed the transition to full independence.

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