
Celebrate National Teacher’s Day Every Day

National Teacher’s Day provides the perfect opportunity for students and their parents to show appreciation, support, and thankfulness to teachers.

I remember walking into my classroom one day to find a kaleidoscope of colored string crisscrossing throughout the room. Not a single desk or chair was left untouched. I turned on the lights to see Saran wrap covering my desk. Finally, an assortment of bubble wrap and tape lined my bookshelves. I quickly realized what day it was. My first National Teacher’s Day began as National Prank Your Teacher Day.

First period arrived, and my students couldn’t hold back their laughter. After taking some photos and admitting their guilt, they helped clean up. Even though it was National Teacher’s Day, their pranks meant a lot to me. Through their attempts at a prank, I saw how my students viewed me. In their eyes, I was a teacher who took their education and learning seriously, but never took himself too seriously. Their pranks reflected their comfort within my classroom. But their immediate willingness to help clean up revealed their respect and wisdom.

National Teacher’s Day provides the perfect opportunity for students and their parents to show appreciation, support, and thankfulness to teachers. Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating for your students to prank their teachers. It’s safe to say that gift cards and hand-written notes are more universally appreciated. This day, however, creates space to model true gratefulness towards some of the most important servants in your child’s life.

What and When is National Teacher’s Day 2022?

National Teacher’s Day, or Teacher Appreciation Day, exists to recognize teachers and their dedication to educating students throughout the country. Falling within Teacher Appreciation Week, this day represents an opportunity to celebrate teachers and their commitment to serve, teach, and lead students.

The National Education Association describes National Teacher’s Day “as a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.” Consider this common cliché: Can you remember a teacher, coach or administrator who had a positive impact on your life? It’s a cliché for a reason. Hopefully, we can each recall how someone had positive influence throughout our time in school. National Teacher’s Day exists to celebrate those influences each year.

This year, National Teacher’s Day falls on Tuesday, May 2nd. Your family’s appreciation, however, does not need to be confined to one day. Throughout the school year, teachers mold your children and guide them into discovering who they are and hope to be. A teacher’s role is something to celebrate all the time, especially during National Teacher’s Day. Let’s explore some ways that you can encourage and support your children’s teachers.

Ways to Celebrate Your Children’s Teachers

Some schools have PTA, Parent-Teacher Associations, that facilitate a school district’s celebration of teachers. If you’re not sure whether your children’s school district has a PTA, check the school’s website, or ask other parents. Connecting with your PTA representatives will let you know about events to show appreciation for your children’s teachers. Here are some other ways to celebrate your children’s teachers on National Teacher’s Day.

Write a Note of Appreciation

Words of encouragement from your child to their teacher carry a deep impact. Also, teaching your kid to show appreciation through words has a lifelong impact on how they show respect toward authority. There’s no better way to model this appreciation than to write a note to your child’s teacher as well.

Refill Their Classroom Supplies

At this point in the school year, there’s likely a shortage of supplies in your teacher’s classroom. Help them out! If you’re unsure about what they might need, simply ask. Even if they don’t need the extra paper, pencils, or art supplies this year, you’re helping a teacher re-stock for the next school year.

Ask Your Children’s Teacher What They Need

Sometimes asking thoughtful questions communicates the deepest level of care. If you’ve already built a strong relationship with your child’s teacher, then consider asking them what they need or want. Ask about their “favorites” such as snacks, treats, or drinks. Teachers always love a little appreciation through food and drinks!

Personalized Gifts

Teachers are always in need of common classroom items like notepads, calendars, organizers, or even a special pen. Your children know their teachers the best. Encourage them to write a personalized message or poem of appreciation. For the more outgoing student, consider gathering their classmates to write short notes of encouragement. Then, collect these messages and gift them to their teacher in a personalized box.

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Final Thoughts on National Teacher Day

There’s no debate. Teachers go through a lot. Even before they arrive to school, there’s a variety of behind-the-scenes unexpected problems that your children’s teachers endure. No two days are alike in the classroom. A teacher will face countless issues and situations that require their commitment and attention to detail. Ultimately, a teacher’s responsibility is to their students. This commitment sadly comes at the expense of their own mental health, routine, and habits.

Occasions like National Teacher’s Day remind us of the opportunity to support and encourage teachers. Beyond recognizing their commitment to our students, we can illustrate true love and gratitude by not limiting our appreciation to one day.

Paul writes, “Rejoice always…give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). For teachers, this sometimes feels like the last thing they want to do. In your role as a parent, how can you encourage your children’s teachers? Going further, how can you model gratitude, so your children demonstrate the same appreciation in the classroom?

Recognizing that our teachers are imperfect just like us reminds us of what really matters. Their contributions and commitments go far beyond what happens in the classroom. A teacher’s impact is measured in the small changes throughout a student’s life long after they leave their school. Grades on an English paper or Algebra final will fade away. But a teacher’s word of encouragement, support at a football game, or even a group of students’ attempts at a prank will last for a long time. Help your children use National Teacher Day to focus on what really matters.

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