
What are the Effects of Sex Education and Gender Ideology on Young Children?

What does sex education really do? I want my kids to be aware of certain topics that I think are important, but I don’t want them to be exposed to ideology I don’t agree with. How do I know where to start?

The effects of sex education and gender ideology on young children depends on the quality and main message. Does the message truly present trustworthy and scientifically based facts? Research shows that teaching young children about topics such as homosexuality and transgenderism has little to no measurable benefit for the child’s development.

However, sex education within the home directed by intentional and well-equipped parents is far more impactful. This is because of the foundational relationship between parents and children.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself on the topic of sex education:

  • What’s the main message of the sex education?
  • What is the purpose of the sex education?
  • What’s covered in my child’s sex education learning?
  • What topics should my children learn about in sex education? And what should they wait to learn about until they’re more mature?
  • Is the sex education about being CONTRIBUTORS within a loving relationship or CONSUMERS of sexuality?

For more information about how to begin and continue conversations about these topics with your kids, explore our sexuality and sex education resources.

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