Fathers Encourage Identity Development
When fathers choose to serve the Lord, live consistently and seize the opportunity to be present and involved with their children, they encourage identity and teach values.
When fathers are attentive to their children, they build relationships that encourage healthy child development.
Ever wonder how fathers help kids grow?
A few months ago I was getting ready to leave work. Like most days, I called home to let my family know I was on my way. My thirteen-year-old daughter answered the phone. She excitedly said, “Dad, when you get home and walk into the house, I’m already going to be running and you’re going to catch me!” I really couldn’t picture what she meant, but her enthusiasm and excitement compelled me to just say “Yes, that sounds great!”
After I parked the car and walked through the door, sure enough, she was coming at me full speed. I dropped what was in my hands and caught her. She said, “Dad, you did it!” as I held her in my arms.
I wasn’t entirely sure what just happened, but clearly I provided my daughter something important in that moment. I know that fathers help their kids grow in significant ways when they take the time to connect with them.
What are some other ways that fathers help their kids grow?
A lot of dads answer this question in terms of material needs: providing money, safety, security and basic necessities. Certainly, providing the basic necessities of life is essential. But it’s only one part of what our children need.
In Matthew 6:26, Jesus pointed out the kind of care we receive from our heavenly Father: “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” In case you didn’t guess it, the answer to the question is yes, we are much more valuable to God than birds! We are so valuable to Him that He sent His Son to die for our sins.
That kind of love is a great example for us dads. God consistently shows how He not only cares for us but blesses us abundantly. We need to do the same for our children.
One vital thing a child needs from their dad is a relationship. Researchers have found that fathers help their kids grow via a relationship that aids in social adjustment, raises graduation rates, and improves children’s mental health. Of course, a dad needs to be more than just physically present. He needs to invest his time—and time truly is an investment.
So how should we bless our children? What is the answer to how to provide well as a dad?
Where is your attention? Your body and your mind need to be present for there to be a connection. Wrapped up in this idea of attention is the concept of active listening. In fact, many people believe that listening carefully is one of the fundamental ways that fathers help their kids grow. I treasure looking into my daughter’s or son’s eyes as I try to be attentive and listen to what is going on inside of them as they share their thoughts.
I’ve noticed that when I get too busy I find it hard to really pay attention. In fact, it can disrupt my family’s stability. Alongside providing attention, it is important to understand that fathers help their kids grow when they know that they are known.
Being genuinely known by a father can be empowering and energizing for kids. Hearing sincere words of encouragement and affirmation from a father who really knows them can breathe life into a child’s soul. Showing them that you are “all in” conveys your active presence within their lives.
If you’ve provided the essentials of life and the foundation of relationship, you’ve figured out how to provide well as a dad. Fathers help their kids grow when they provide them with crucial boundaries.
Good parents aren’t perfect. There’s no formula to follow, but there are ways you can grow every day. Focus on the Family’s 7 Traits of Effective Parenting Assessment gives parents an honest look at their unique strengths, plus some areas that could use a little help.
Once you have provided the basics needs of life, the foundation of relationship, and set essential boundaries and limits, then you are ready to provide your child a mission, vision, and direction. Each of these things is good in themselves, and together they contribute to helping your child define his or her identity. This is one of the most important ways that fathers help their kids grow.
Even from a young age, children build their identity, and they start to pursue it with greater purpose as they grow into their teen years. One of the greatest things you can do to help your child establish a healthy identity is to give them a grounded faith in Christ. Teach them about His incredible love for them. When they face difficulties and self-doubt in the future, they will always be able to reach back for this security.
Ask yourself these questions:
It can be pretty tough for us dads to answer some of these questions, and we’ve had many more years of life experience than our children who are trying to form a sense of their own identity in their childhood and teen years. To stay focused on how fathers help kids grow, we need to provide a mission, vision, and direction, with an emphasis on character.
Sadly, this is where many of us fathers feel ill-equipped. We may have questions about our own identity we haven’t answered or explored yet. We may feel like we don’t have the moral authority to lead our children in this crucial stage. We may still be confused about how to provide well as a dad.
The good news is that God didn’t call us to lead and provide for our children because we’re perfect. The only perfect Father, after all, is God. We’re simply called to be obedient to Him and to do our best.
And if sin is keeping us from being the examples and providers we need to be, God promises to forgive us and cleanse us from the wrong things in our heart that are dragging us down (1 John 1:9).
Recently, I saw a dad and his young daughter at a restaurant together. The father was fully present, listening and responding while his daughter talked to him. This was an incredible gift not only for the little girl, but for the dad as well. It was also a good example of how fathers help their kids grow.
Providing for our families is about much more than money, food, and shelter. First and foremost, it’s about you actually being present, connected, steadfast, and stepping wholeheartedly into your incredible role—being an all-in dad.