
Parenting a Child With Special Needs

Amid these stories from other parents, you'll find tips and tools in the areas of schooling, church, balancing the needs of your disabled child and the needs of your other children, coping when your circumstances have become too hard and encouragement in developing friendships.

If you are a parent of a child with special needs, you undoubtedly have bigger challenges to overcome than you ever thought possible. There may be days where you feel all alone in your struggle. Maybe you’ve been so busy taking care of your child’s needs, in addition to the rest of your family, that you have not had the opportunity to seek encouragement from those who have trekked a similar road. Whether you’re raising a child with various physical, developmental or emotional challenges, we hope you’ll find comfort in this collection of stories from parents who are living the joys and trials of raising special-needs children.

Amid these stories from other parents, you’ll find tips and tools in the areas of schooling, church, balancing the needs of your disabled child and the needs of your other children, coping when your circumstances have become too hard and encouragement in developing friendships.

Likely your days are filled with appointments, therapies and other responsibilities necessary for the care of your children. Perhaps you’re also working through circumstances that seek to overwhelm you. If you’d find it beneficial to speak with one of our licensed counselors, don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459).

And sometimes, all you need is to bounce ideas off of another parent — maybe one who’s been down a similar path. Connecting with others who can relate to your journey can offer long-lasting friendship and fellowship.

Note: The articles in this series are not meant to replace the advice of medical professionals or licensed counselors.

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