
Foster Care System Problems

A child hides her eyes. The text reads, "Foster Care System Problems."
Foster care system problems.
Purple text that reads, "Both kinship and licensed homes are feeling the pressure of growing foster needs."

Both kinship and licensed homes are feeling the pressure of growing foster needs. As I mentioned on the Common Good podcast with Brian from and Aubrey Sampson, people are closing their certified foster homes. Many say, “I can’t do this work” or “I can’t care for my relative because I lack the support and resources to care for these children well!” Often, beleaguered caregivers are asked to take on more than they are licensed for. The following are foster care system problems that ultimately add pressure on parents that foster.

Failed Reunification

Foster care stays are meant to be temporary as parents finish case plans. Once completed, children are safely reunited with their families. Nationally, approximately 53% of children are reunified with parents or primary caretakers. Sometimes, parents do not successfully complete these case plans, and the children are deeply affected. During these situations, children remain in foster care with their foster families.

In some cases, the court decides to terminate the parent’s rights. When this occurs, the agency must find a family willing to provide permanency for the child through adoption. Sometimes, the foster family agrees to adopt the child. In other cases, the agency must search for a new place for the child to call home. Below is some information about the number of children in foster care.

Additional Resources:

Placing a Child in the Correct Home

Finding a temporary home for a child is not a simple task. When a child is in danger within a home, it is the government’s job to provide safety for them. This adds extra layers to the placement process. For example, a social worker searches for an appropriate selection of a home. Some of the determining factors for child placement are:

In an emergency, when an appropriate selection isn’t found, some states convert conference offices into makeshift sleeping rooms. Others use staff to monitor children in rented hotel rooms or unused jail space at juvenile detention centers! What are the results of these unfortunate situations? The children are frightened. They’re feeling a lack of consistency and they want to know what’s going on. The Role Of A Foster Care Social Worker consists of five larger responsibilities. For instance, these staff members are responsible for large portions of paperwork and training foster families through the licensure process.

How Can You Help?

First. Pray. Ask what “Foster and Adoptive Families Need” to better understand and respect limitations. Know what area God has called you to help in. (Fostering a child, helping a foster family with dinners, or many other helping hand activities.) John Moore writes, “Temporary foster families often become permanent adoptive families. Other times, another family will step in when parental rights are terminated.”

Next, wrap around a family in need. Supporting a kinship, foster or adoptive family in your community is a great way to show the love of Jesus. Bringing a home-cooked meal during the week becomes a labor of love. Raking leaves in the fall shoveling snow in the winter, or running errands provides kinship, foster and adoptive families with extra time together.

Lastly, Visit to begin your foster care and adoption journey. We have digital conversation cards about support in addition to physical booklets. We also provide state information and counseling on our resources tab.

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