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Pregnancy Care Programs

Pregnancy Care Organization programs

Through compelling and compassionate resources, together we can help her choose life.

Option Ultrasound Program

To be considered for an Option Ultrasound grant, an organization must be located within a community with a high abortion rate and be seeking to reach women at risk for abortion. We welcome you to complete the assessment today!

Benevolent Resource Program

Pregnancy care organizations receive $500 of medically accurate, life-affirming resources each year for client counseling and care. Our resources were created to come alongside you and your team to help serve the women, men and families in your community.

Donate to Option Ultrasound

Thanks to the generous support of our donors, Focus on the Family pays 80% of most grants. These grants allow Pregnancy Care Organizations to receive ultrasound machines, nurse trainings, or medical conversion funds. Your support allows us to continue this lifesaving work.