Pro-life signs can show a different and life-affirming perspective to onlookers. They are also empowering to have, hold and march with – whether you’re marching for life in Washington D.C. or sidewalk counseling outside an abortion clinic.
Pro-Woman Pro-Life Signs
- Pro-women for all women
- Abortion erases women
- Pro-life feminist
- A guide to women’s rights. Step one: let them be born
- I march for the next generation of women
- Abortion hurts women
- Feminist since conception
- Pro-life = true feminism
- Choose life. Your mom did
- If every mother could see their unborn child a few years down the road, abortion would never exist
- I support a woman’s right to be born
- Empowered women empower women
- Abortion protects the idea that women are weak
- Stop calling violence “feminism”
- Telling a woman she can’t be successful without abortion is inherently anti-woman
- This woman (arrow pointing to you) won’t build her success on violence against the innocent
- It’s not a choice if abortion is her only option
- Real feminism is telling a woman she can have her child and dreams
Human Rights Pro-Life Signs
- Human rights begin in the womb
- We are the voice of the voiceless
- Rights begin when life begins
- Equal rights for all
- Abortion isn’t about women’s rights. It’s about violating human rights
- Dependency doesn’t define humanity
- Abortion is not a cure for disabilities
- The first human right is the right to live
- Taking a human life should never be a human right
- When our liberation costs innocent lives, it’s just oppression redistributed
- Violence doesn’t end violence. It only extends it
- The right to control your body should not include the right to terminate someone else’s
- If we have laws to protect turtle eggs, why can’t we have laws protecting a baby in the womb?
Preborn Pro-Life Signs
- Former fetus
- I am a person, not a choice (with an image of ultrasound or baby)
- 96% of biologists believe life begins at conception
- Let the babies grow (with an image or drawing of flowers)
- Your stage of human development doesn’t determine your worth
- Life begins at conception, not perception
- Pro-life: the radical idea that babies are people
- Everyone deserves a birthday
- Does the baby get a choice?
- Make womb for love
- I can hear your voice. What about mine? (with an image of ultrasound or baby)
- One life taken, many hearts broken
- Heartbeats detected must be protected
Personal Pro-Life Signs

- I’m an abortion survivor
- Conceived from rape
- I march because my birth mom chose adoption
- 1/3 of my generation is missing (Gen Z)
- #WhyWeMarch (with the personal reason you’re marching)
- I worked in the abortion industry, now I’m pro-life
- I survived China’s one-child policy
- Men regret abortion
- Thank you to my child’s birth mom
- Pro-life doctor/OBGYN
- I survived my mom’s abortion appointment
- Mom, since day 1
- I lost a child/brother/sister/grandchild to abortion
Abortion Pro-Life Signs
- Abortion: the only surgery you’re not supposed to survive
- Healthcare doesn’t end a human life
- Abortion is a business/industry
- Make abortion unthinkable
- The abortion industry is lying to you
- Two bodies, two choices
- The abortion industry is old news (newspaper)
- Abortion: the leading cause of death in America
- Abortion is not healthcare
- Abortion is: sexist, racist, ableist, classist, ageist
- There is no such thing as safe abortion
- If abortion is essential, why do 86% of OBGYNs not offer it at their practice?
- Life offers no guarantees, but abortion offers no chances
Cultural Pro-Life Signs

- Hey Roe, the 70s called: they wanted their ruling back
- Protect the child, this is the way (from the Mandalorian)
- “Judge me by my size, do you?” – Yoda
- “I cannot stand by while innocent lives are lost.” – Wonder Woman
- Women need abortion? False. (with image of Dwight Schrute)
- “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” – Dr. Suess
- Roe v. Wade (words disentegrating with glove of Thanos from the Avengers snapping)
- “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.” – Winnie the Pooh
- This is a choice (with image of Spotify vs. Apple Music), this is not (with image of ultrasound or child)
- Save mor babeez (with image of cow holding sign in style of Chick-Fil-A ads)
Quote Pro-Life Signs
- “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.” – Alice Paul
- “Let it not be said that I was silent when they needed me.” – William Wilberforce
- “I’ve noticed everyone for abortion has already been born.” – Ronald Reagan
- “Fewer women would have abortions if wombs had windows.” – Dr. Bernard Nathanson
- “How can there be too many children? That’s like saying there are too many flowers.” – Mother Theresa
- “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King Jr.
- “Abortion is profoundly anti-woman. Three quarters of its victims are women: half of the babies and all of the mothers.” – Mother Theresa
- “Laws that allow us to diminish the humanity of anyone are not laws. They are frameworks for crime.” – John Davinier (Belle)
- “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator, with certain undeniable rights, that among these are life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” – Declaration of Independence
- “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Martin Luther King Jr. (paraphrased)
- “In an abortion, if it’s not a growing human life, why do you have to kill it?” – Lila Rose
- “If everyone doesn’t have the right to life, then nobody has the right to life.” – Nellie Gray (March for Life Founder)
Pro-life signs can be a powerful tool. However, be mindful of the message your sign conveys. The pro-life movement is ultimately about celebrating life and spreading truth. If we stay close to the heart of being pro-life, we can have maximum impact and change hearts and minds.