Empower Your Kids to Defend Their Faith
Giving your kids the knowledge and answers they need to meet the challenges posed to their faith isn’t about winning an argument. It’s about instilling a confident assurance in your child that what they believe is true and that their faith can stand up to any test that confronts it.
Your child deserves to have a firm conviction that the things they are taught in Sunday school are not fairy tales, but timeless truths that cannot be shaken.
Are you giving your child the answers to the questions they can’t articulate? The questions they don’t know how to ask? The questions that the world will bombard them with in secular forums?
Don’t leave your child vulnerable to attacks from false teachers and eloquent deceivers. Tell them why they can trust what they believe.
Let Focus on the Family help with our 5-part video series: “Raising Your Kids to Defend Their Faith.”
This free series is our gift to you. Let us know where to email the first video so you can get started!