
Resources: Mental Health


Mental Health


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The Anxiety Cure by Dr. Archibald Hart 
Hart explores anxiety and the roles played by brain chemistry, physiological responses, and patterns of thinking—and he compassionately offers steps for holistic healing.

The Anxious Christian by Rhett Smith 
“Can God use your anxiety for good?”

Anxious for Nothing: God’s Cure for the Cares of Your Soul by John MacArthur 
“God’s Cure for the Cares of Your Soul”.

Breaking Free from Fear by Kay Arthur
A six-session study examines the roots of fear and explores Scripture to explain the trustworthiness of God and what it means to live a fearless life.

Fear: A Spiritual Navigation by Jo Kadlecek 
Offering thoughts from historical writers as well as sharing the effects of fear in her own life, Kadlecek encourages readers to place their trust in an unchanging God who can see them safely home.

Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear by Max Lucado 
Fear can hold us captive and influence our choices and perceptions about life, God, and other people. But Lucado shows how to replace fear with faith so we can live with confidence and joy.

Getting Unstuck by Dr. Linda Mintle 
“Escape Three Traps Women Face Today: Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorders”

Helping Your Kids Deal With Anger, Fear, and Sadness by H. Norman Wright 
Wright uses Scripture and offers practical tools to compassionately address anger, fear, and depression—and to help parents guide their children in handling these difficult emotions.

How to Handle Your Emotions by June Hunt 
“Anger, Depression, Fear, Grief, Rejection, and Self-Worth”

Let. It. Go: Breaking Free from Fear and Anxiety by Tony Evans 
Evans shares thoughts from God’s Word about moving beyond fear and anxiety—to let go of the past, to live in the present, and to trust God for the future.

Letting Go of Worry and Anxiety by Pam Vredevelt
For many, worry has become a habit. Drawing from decades of clinical experience, research, and scriptural insight, Vredevelt suggests steps to embracing a more peaceful life.

Living Free in an Anxious World by R. Lanny Hunter and Victor Hunter 
Written by a physician and a pastor, this book offers a holistic approach to addressing worry and anxiety. Learn the physiological background for these emotions and how to courageously handle the experiences of life.

Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Fear by Gregory Jantz, Ph.D., and Ann McMurray 
Millions of Americans are burdened by an anxiety disorder, but Jantz helps you discover causes and resolutions as he explores Scripture and offers therapeutic insights.

Overcoming Fear and Discouragement by Kay Arthur
Through the biblical books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, learn about the lives of ordinary men and women who encountered and overcame fearful and discouraging situations—and how you can conquer these emotions.

Singing the Songs of the Brokenhearted by Bill Crowder 
For hearts broken by anger, bitterness, fear, despair, or any number of debilitating emotions, the Psalms can give words to our anguish. Crowder explores several specific passages to help us apply God’s wisdom to our journey.

Take Charge of Your Emotions by Dr. Linda Solie 
“Seven Steps to Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, and Anger”—Pointing to the strength and hope available in Christ, Solie helps you recognize and find relief from negative or destructive feelings and behaviors.

Tame Your Fears and Transform Them into Faith, Confidence, and Action by Carol Kent 
Kent suggests fears most common to women (including rejection and a loss of control) and offers steps to overcoming and allowing them to deepen your confidence in a caring Heavenly Father.

Walking on Water When You Feel Like You’re Drowning by Tommy Nelson and Steve Leavitt 
Whether dealing with depression, anxiety, fear, or other emotional distress, individuals often feel isolated and hopeless. But as Nelson shares his personal experience with depression, he and Leavitt offer encouragement through a biblical approach to healing—integrating mind, body, and soul.

What Women Fear: Walking in Faith That Transforms by Angie Smith 
Sharing her own journey through fear, as well as offering stories of biblical men and women who fought for faith in the midst of uncertainty, Smith encourages readers with the reminder that God can redeem every hard place.

What Women Should Know About Facing Fear by Christin Ditchfield 
Sharing her personal experiences with fear, Ditchfield helps you understand the devastation fear can cause, identify unhealthy reactions to fear, and find courage to walk in freedom.

When Someone You Love Suffers From Depression or Mental Illness by Cecil Murphey 
Day-to-day activities and special challenges can be overwhelming when coming alongside those with mental illness. Murphey encourages you to care for yourself and keep your eyes on God in the midst of uncertainty.

Worry-Free Living by Dr. Arnie Cole and Michael Ross (not currently available through Focus on the Family)  
“Finding Relief From Anxiety and Stress for You and Your Family”


Helping Kids Conquer Their Fears (Danny Huerta) 
A licensed counselor, Huerta explains why young children experience fear and how parents can respond. Instead of discounting children’s concerns, help them learn to have courage and appropriately face fears.

How Mental Illness Impacts Families (Dr. Jared Pingleton, Dr. Don Graber, Dr. Ricardo Whyte) 
Mental illness can take a variety of forms, such as anxiety, depression and phobias—but it’s often misunderstood or goes untreated. Experts compassionately discuss the medical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of mental illness, and they point listeners to sources of help.

Learning to Lay Down Your Fears (Angie Smith) 
Smith shares struggles she’s faced since she was a small child—including questioning her purpose, God’s plans, and if she’s a “good enough” Christian—and how God is teaching her to trust Him and rest in His peace.

Moving Beyond Fear and Worry (Max Lucado)
Lucado talks about common fears and explains why fear is so prevalent in our society. But he shares the encouraging truth that we are all significant to God—and through Him and the love of Christ, we can find courage to face our fears.


Fresh Hope: Living Well in Spite of a Mental Health Diagnosis by Brad Hoefs and Dr. Michael Egger
Hoefs shares his journey of resigning as senior pastor of a large church and starting Fresh Hope after being diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. Whether you or a loved one suffer from mood disorders, be encouraged that there is help.

When Someone You Love Suffers From Depression or Mental Illness by Cecil Murphey 
Day-to-day activities and special challenges can be overwhelming when coming alongside those with mental illness. Murphey encourages you to care for yourself and keep your eyes on God in the midst of uncertainty.


How Mental Illness Impacts Families (Dr. Jared Pingleton, Dr. Don Graber, Dr. Ricardo Whyte) 
Mental illness can take a variety of forms, such as anxiety, depression, and phobias—but it’s often misunderstood or goes untreated. Experts compassionately discuss the medical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of mental illness, and they point listeners to sources of help.


Five Keys to Dealing With Depression by Gregory Jantz
“Rediscover your world—and yourself—with a new, positive, and healthy outlook.”

The Freedom From Depression Workbook by Dr. Les Carter and Dr. Frank Minirth 
This workbook features a 12-step plan to define and identify depression, understand the physical and mental factors of depression, and develop keys to lasting change.

Getting Unstuck by Dr. Linda Mintle
Mintle gently addresses how depression, anxiety, and eating disorders affect women. Learn to recognize negative influences to your emotional health, and find strategies to help you move forward.

Help! Someone I Love Is Depressed by Greg L. Ross (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
Find practical insights for those who struggle with depression, and for their families, friends, caregivers, and churches.

Helping Your Kids Deal With Anger, Fear, and Sadness by H. Norman Wright 
Wright uses Scripture and offers practical tools to compassionately address anger, fear, and depression—and to help parents guide their children in handling these difficult emotions.

Hope Again: A 30-Day Play for Conquering Depression by Mark A. Sutton and Dr. Bruce Hennigan 
Christians struggle with depression on a regular basis. Conquering Depression draws on personal experiences and is grounded in biblical and medical principles to offer a 30-day plan for managing and overcoming depression.

Hope Again: When Life Hurts and Dreams Fade by Dr. Charles R. Swindoll
Swindoll offers encouragement and hope to those who are struggling. He gives guidance for finding God’s purpose in suffering, for rebuilding life after failure, for allowing God to share grief, and for finding joy when life doesn’t seem fair.

How to Handle Your Emotions: Anger, Depression, Fear, Grief, Rejection, and Self-Worth by June Hunt 
How can we keep negative feelings from getting the best of us? With biblical insights and practical applications, Hunt offers guidance to help work through emotions.

Is Your Teen Stressed or Depressed: A Practical and Inspirational Guide for Parents of Hurting Teenagers by Dr. Archibald Hart and Dr. Catherine Hart Weber 
Many teens are overwhelmed with today’s increased pressure. Discover the link between stress, anxiety, and depression; find the right treatment for your teen; and nurture healthy attitudes—not just to get well, but to stay well.

Living Beyond Postpartum Depression by Jerusha Clark 
Postpartum depression is far more common and debilitating than most people realize. In a time women expect will be the happiest of their lives, they may be faced with a crushing weight of despair and anxiety. Clark helps readers and loved ones work through physical, emotional, and spiritual struggles.

Singing the Songs of the Brokenhearted by Bill Crowder 
For hearts broken by anger, bitterness, fear, despair, or any number of debilitating emotions, the Psalms can give words to our anguish. Crowder explores several specific passages to help us apply God’s wisdom to our journey.

Take Charge of Your Emotions by Dr. Linda Solie 
“Seven Steps to Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, and Anger”—Pointing to the strength and hope available in Christ, Solie helps you recognize and find relief from negative or destructive feelings and behaviors.

Turning Your Down Into Up: A Realistic Plan for Healing From Depression by Gregory Jantz, Ph.D., and Ann McMurray 
Be encouraged with hope for healing. This book includes a whole-person plan for treating depression: spiritual renewal, emotional wellness, environmental balance, physical health, relational healing, and “technology detox.”

Understanding and Loving a Person With Depression by Stephen Arterburn, M.Ed., and Brenda Hunter, Ph.D. 
“Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion”

Unmasking Male Depression by Dr. Archibald Hart 
Millions of men become depressed in their lifetimes—with the effects impacting their families, work, and relationship with God. Hart shares about his personal struggle to offer good news: There is hope for healing.

Walking on Water When You Feel Like You’re Drowning by Tommy Nelson and Steve Leavitt 
Whether dealing with depression, anxiety, fear, or other emotional distress, individuals often feel isolated and hopeless. But as Nelson shares his personal experience with depression, he and Leavitt offer encouragement through a biblical approach to healing—integrating mind, body, and soul.

When Someone You Love Suffers From Depression or Mental Illness by Cecil Murphey 
Day-to-day activities and special challenges can be overwhelming when coming alongside those with mental illness. Murphey encourages you to care for yourself and keep your eyes on God in the midst of uncertainty.

When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God—and Joy by John Piper 
Even the most faithful, focused Christians can encounter depression and spiritual darkness. Piper offers comfort, guidance, and hope—affirming “the wise, strong hand of God to hold us, even when we have no strength to hold Him.”

Where Is God by Dr. John Townsend (2012) 
“Finding His Presence, Purpose, and Power in Difficult Times”


Embracing God’s Promises for My Life (Sheila Walsh)
Walsh shares how God has used her brokenness through shame, depression, and perfectionism to help reach others. She encourages listeners to be vulnerable before the Lord so their days are filtered through His love.

Finding Hope After My Darkest Day (Kristen Anderson) 
Anderson shares her testimony of surviving being run over by a train in a suicide attempt—losing her legs in the process. She recounts coming to faith in Christ, and she talks about what parents can do to reach out to a depressed teen.

Finding Hope in the Midst of Postpartum Depression (Jerusha Clark) 
Many women experience postpartum depression. But Clark offers encouragement and advice in a discussion based on her book, Living Beyond Postpartum Depression: Help and Hope for the Hurting Mom and Those Around Her.

How Mental Illness Impacts Families (Dr. Jared Pingleton, Dr. Don Graber, Dr. Ricardo Whyte) 
Mental illness can take a variety of forms, such as anxiety, depression, and phobias—but it’s often misunderstood or goes untreated. Experts compassionately discuss the medical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of mental illness, and they point listeners to sources of help.

Learning to Lay Down Your Fears (Angie Smith) 
Smith shares struggles she’s faced since she was a small child—including questioning her purpose, God’s plans, and if she’s a “good enough” Christian—and how God is teaching her to trust Him and rest in His peace.

My Journey Through Depression (Pastor Tommy Nelson)
Nelson’s schedule of pastoring, writing, and teaching led to burnout, illness, and depression. Calling on God, he received encouragement from his family, church, and others who helped him find healing.

Seeking God in Hard Times (Dr. John Townsend) 
Townsend offers encouragement from his book Where Is God? He explains why it’s important to seek help from a caring pastor, spiritual mentor, or professional counselor when going through hard times.

Shining a Light on Depression (Dr. Gary Lovejoy, Dr. Greg Knopf) 
Lovejoy and Knopf address the difficulty many depressed Christians have in understanding their experience from the perspective of their faith.


Understanding and Loving a Person With Borderline Personality Disorder by Stephen Arterburn, M.Ed., and       Robert Wise, Ph.D. 
“Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion”


How Mental Illness Impacts Families (Dr. Jared Pingleton, Dr. Don Graber, Dr. Ricardo Whyte) 
Mental illness can take a variety of forms, such as anxiety, depression, and phobias—but it’s often misunderstood or goes untreated. Experts compassionately discuss the medical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of mental illness, and they point listeners to sources of help.


Understanding and Coping With Trauma by Gail Schra 
Trauma can affect all of us, resulting in emotional distress and shock that can overwhelm our abilities to cope—potentially leading to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Learn the symptoms of trauma and how to find help toward healing.

Understanding and Loving a Person With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder by Stephen Arterburn, M.Ed., and Becky Johnson 
“Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion”

When Someone You Love Suffers From Depression or Mental Illness by Cecil Murphey 
Day-to-day activities and special challenges can be overwhelming when coming alongside those with mental illness. Murphey encourages you to care for yourself and keep your eyes on God in the midst of uncertainty.

When War Comes Home by Chris Adsit, Rahnella Adsit, and Marshéle Carter Waddell  (offered through Cru Ministries)
This resource provides a biblical framework with advice from counselors and medical professionals for addressing the struggles of war, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.


How God Saved a Military Marriage (Chad and Kathy Robichaux)
Both from broken homes, the Robichauxs married right out of high school. Chad is a former Marine in Special Ops, former firefighter, former police officer, and former professional Mixed Martial Arts fighter. After eight tours in Afghanistan, he suffered from PTSD, neglected his family, and became involved in affairs. Chad and Kathy separated, but Kathy worked to set her own heart right with God while God was helping Chad overcome PTSD symptoms and straighten out his priorities. Their marriage of 20 years is now stronger than ever, and they operate Mighty Oaks, a Christian outreach to soldiers who’ve experienced military trauma.

How Mental Illness Impacts Families (Dr. Jared Pingleton, Dr. Don Graber, Dr. Ricardo Whyte) 
Mental illness can take a variety of forms, such as anxiety, depression and phobias—but it’s often misunderstood or goes untreated. Experts compassionately discuss the medical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of mental illness, and they point listeners to sources of help.

The Impact of PTSD on Military Families (panel) 
Many military families struggle with the aftereffects of war as men and women return home with physical wounds and psychological pain. Guests discuss their experiences with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and they encourage listeners to seek help for their own families.


Caring for People God’s Way edited by Dr. Tim Clinton, Dr. Archibald Hart, and George Ohlschlager 
“Personal and Emotional Issues, Addictions, Grief, and Trauma”

Christian Mindful Manners by Marvis Williams 
Williams offers a biblically based approach to how the church can and should respond to those who struggle with mental illness.

Fresh Hope: Living Well in Spite of a Mental Health Diagnosis by Brad Hoefs and Dr. Michael Egger 
Hoefs shares his journey of resigning as senior pastor of a large church and starting Fresh Hope after being diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. Whether you or a loved one suffer from mood disorders, be encouraged that there is help.

Help! Someone I Love Is Depressed by Greg L. Ross (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
Find practical insights for those who struggle with depression, and for their families, friends, caregivers, and churches.

Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission by Amy Simpson 
Simpson combines surveys from pastors, clinical research, and her family’s personal experience to offer a better way of coming alongside and loving those who suffer from mental illness.

A Trusted Friend When It Matters Most by Tim Clinton and Pat Springs (offered through LifeWay)
Learn to listen, develop compassion, use Scripture and prayer, share the Gospel, and develop a list of professional referrals.

Webpage & E-book

Mental Health
Find articles, resources, and referrals to help you and your loved one as you wade through the complexities of mental health and mental illness.

Serving Those with Mental Illness 
This e-book provides a summary of the latest research findings from LifeWay Research on mental health and the church. You’ll also find helpful articles, brief medical overviews for acute mental illness, and recommended resources.


  • First Steps: What to do now that your loved one has been diagnosed with a mental illness
  • Daily Steps: Developing a holistic mental health care plan for your loved one

Information Sheets

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

Focus on the Family Pastoral Care Line
Our support line for pastors and their families features pastors who can provide an understanding ear, a word of advice, a timely referral or a simple prayer … because we’ve all been in your shoes. To speak confidentially with a Focus on the Family Chaplain, contact us (toll-free) at 1-877-233-4455 Monday through Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (MT). If you need to leave a message, please know that we keep all correspondence confidential, and we’ll discretely get back with you as soon as possible.

Depression Outreach
This organization offers seminars and a variety of resources related to depression.

Fresh Hope
Fresh Hope is a Christian association of support groups across the United States for those who have a mental health diagnosis and for their loved ones.

Mental Health Grace Alliance
This group provides recovery programs, support groups, training, and collaborative partnerships to help positively impact mental health care.

My Quiet Cave
My Quiet Cave is a nonprofit organization that creates space for faith and mental health to work in tandem. They “want churches to be a safe space for anyone struggling with mental illnesses.”

National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI offers research, advocacy, and support groups for those affected by mental illness.

Referrals to secular organizations dealing with specialized areas of knowledge shouldn’t be read as an indication that their stances necessarily align with Focus on the Family’s perspective in all areas.