Be a Lifeline for Families in Crisis!

Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,650 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.

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Be a Lifeline!

Deliver life-changing biblical resources to struggling families every month.

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Be a Lifeline!

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No Porn Marriage

“Honey, we need to talk.” Haunting words no one wants to hear. Your spouse has a problem with pornography. If that’s you, you’re not alone. Join marriage experts Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley for six episodes in this Christian podcast series about pornography addiction from Focus on the Family. You’ll learn why pornography hurts a marriage, but there’s hope and freedom found in God’s grace. Whether you’ve struggled with pornography or been hurt by your spouse’s usage of it, this series will help you start a journey toward healing.
Need additional help with a pornography problem? Find it here.

Podcast Hosts

Picture of Greg Smalley
Greg Smalley

Dr. Greg Smalley serves as the Vice President of Marriage at Focus on the Family. He develops and oversees initiatives that prepare individuals for marriage, strengthen and nurture existing marriages and help couples in marital crises. Prior to joining Focus, Smalley worked for the Center for Relationship Enrichment at John Brown University and as President of the National Institute of Marriage.

Picture of Erin Smalley
Erin Smalley

Erin Smalley serves as the strategic spokesperson for Focus on the Family’s marriage ministry. In this role, she develops content that prepares individuals for marriage, strengthens and nurtures existing marriages, and helps couples in marital crises. Erin is also a licensed professional counselor with a private practice (Smalley Marriage), as well as an author and conference speaker.


Episode Six

Healthy Sexuality

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Episode 1
Stories of Healing

Pornography is a dark epidemic in our world today, even within many of our churches. But through God’s grace, men and women are experiencing the bright light of freedom. Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley share part of their story and talk with Pastor D.A. Horton and his wife Elicia about their healing process from past pornography abuse.
Need help with a pornography problem? Find it here.
Book Cover: Aftershock A Plan for Recovery

Aftershock: Overcoming His Secret Life with Pornography: A Plan for Recovery

This book is for women who have discovered their husband’s struggle with pornography and other sexual infidelities. Based on biblical principles and psychologically sound advice, Aftershock is designed to help women heal, grow, and receive restoration for themselves, their husbands, and their marriages.

Episode 2
Effects of Sexualized Content

A pornography addiction usually starts with something small, like seeing an online ad or hearing a song with explicit lyrics on the radio. Erin and Greg give some practical ways for protecting your heart from sexual content in the media; Dr. Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh talk about the dangers of erotic literature; Pastor Levi Lusko shares about the modern-day abuse of dating apps; and author Jamie Ivey explains how pornography affects men and women differently.
Need help with a pornography problem? Find it here.
Nick and Michelle Stumbo

Discovering God’s Freedom from Pornography

Pornography and sexual addiction can feel like an inescapable darkness. But there is hope! Focus on the Family has a heart for helping people in their everyday circumstances. We created a video series to help you recover from addiction.

Episode 3
Effects on Marriage

Like mold on dinner, pornography can spoil the precious gift of intimacy in your marriage. Chris and Cindy Beall discuss how sexual addiction led him to have an affair; Jonathan Daugherty tells the story of how pornography nearly cost him his marriage; and Greg and Erin share more of their story of taking steps toward healing.
Need help with a pornography problem? Find it here.   
Hope after betrayal book cover

Setting Us Free

Receive Meg Wilson's book Hope After Betrayal with your gift of any amount! Your gift helps other marriages struggling with porn addiction.

Episode 4
Practical Help for Healing

Confessing a pornography problem may have shattered your spouse’s heart, but your marriage doesn’t have to end there. Greg and Erin give tips for walking through the process of healing with your spouse; Jamie Ivey shares her story of asking a friend for help; and Jonathan Daugherty explains why restoration must be intentional.
Need help with a pornography problem? Find it here.

Episode 5
Rebuilding Trust in a Marriage

As your marriage is healing from a pornography problem, rebuilding trust with your spouse will take time. Greg and Erin explain the importance of allowing your spouse time to heal; and Nick and Michelle Stumbo share their story of learning to rebuild trust.
Need help with a pornography problem? Find it here

Setting Us Free

Receive Nick Stumbo's book Setting Us Free with your gift of any amount! Your gift helps other marriages struggling with porn addiction.

Episode 6
Healthy Sexuality

God’s gift of sex creates a special bond between you and your spouse. Greg and Erin talk about the blessing physical intimacy can be for a marriage; Linda Dillow and Dr. Juli Slattery explain how wives can approach sex in a healthy way; and Dr. Gary Chapman gives husbands tips for letting go of sexual selfishness.
Need help with a pornography problem? Find it here.
Rethinking Sexuality Book Cover

Rethinking Sexuality

Receive Juli Slattery's book Rethinking Sexuality with your gift of any amount! Your gift helps other marriages struggling with porn addiction.

Related Articles

Focus on the Family is here to help you through your journey of healing. Below are articles that provide reassurance in the healing process and give advice on sexual addiction. 

Woman looking intensely over a black covered book.

Erotica, Women and Marriage

We may stereotypically think of sexual temptation as a man’s problem, but women are not immune to the lure of romance depicted in new and graphic forms of entertainment.

A man hides his face in shame from a computer screen in a dark room. People may use sex and pornography to activate a “pleasure system high” that can lead to a deeper progression of porn addiction.

The Progression of Pornography Addiction

Addition to pornography follows a certain progression: early exposure, addiction, escalation, desensitization and acting out sexually. Here’s how you can break the chain.

A solitary figure walking through a serene forest path surrounded by towering trees, symbolizing the journey of healing after sexual betrayal.

Mile Markers on the Path From Hurt to Hope

After your spouse confesses a pornography addiction, you might feel stuck. The journey to healing starts by acknowledging that you’re not alone. Here are some mile markers to guide you along the way.
