The most significant action we can take to further the pro-life movement is to cover our nation, and one another, in pro-life prayer.
The weirdest argument for abortion, by far, is one that devalues human life based on a person’s physical location.
The process of how to adopt a baby can be overwhelming. There are decisions to make prayerfully, organizations to vet, and many perspectives to consider. It’s approaching a new chapter much like starting a marriage– with hearts wide open, support, and education to make a strong foundation for your family’s future. I am a birth …
Why would a Christian choose the abortion clinic over the church? Many women believe church members are more likely to gossip about a woman considering an abortion than to help her understand her options.
If you’ve been through an abortion in the past, keeping it from your spouse can cause even more pain. Here are several ways you and your spouse can deal with a past abortion.
How can “My Body, My Choice” really be a pro-life argument?
In this article, we outline the pro-life and pro-choice meanings, equipping you with enough knowledge to make a confident decision.
Pro-lifers have an opportunity as cultural tension rises to share abortion pros and cons in compassion, truth and love.
What is the big deal with the terms fetus or baby?
A significant aspect of advocating for the pro-life movement involves engaging and educating others with compassion and truth. Often, we think this means rallying against the opposition, but thankfully, “we can passionately argue against abortion while treating people with love and respect.” With that in mind, can we share the pro-life philosophy with those closest …