Be a Lifeline for Families in Crisis!

Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,573 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.
1,573 donors still needed!

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Be a Lifeline!

1,573 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.

Be a Lifeline!

Deliver life-changing biblical resources to struggling families every month.

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Be a Lifeline!

1,573 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.


Shocked young woman looking at her laptop, her hand is over her mouth

10 Things You Need To Know About Bullying and Cyberbullying

No matter what form bullying or cyberbullying takes, it happens far too often and can have damaging effects.

Violence among girls signals a time to teach strength without aggression

Is Your Daughter A Mean Girl?

Some are calling this breed the “New American Girl.” She’s more physical, not afraid to be aggressive or go after what she wants, and she takes care of herself.

Mean girl holding her hand to her forehead in the L shape for loser

Mean Girls

Empower your tween to respond gracefully when confronted by “mean girls” and seek adult help if she finds herself being bullied.

Child dealing with bullying as two big boys pick on him

Dealing with Bullying and Childhood Trauma

Many adults carry some kind of psychological hurt from their childhood years.

How to Deal With Bullying

How to know if your child is being bullied, and what to do if your child is the one bullying others.

Surviving a Child’s Suicide

How does a parent recover and move on from the tragedy of their child committing suicide?

Teen girl experiencing peer pressure after saying no to her friends.

3 Ways to Help Your Child Deal With Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is real. Help your kids spot peer pressure, gain tools to deal with it, and be strong enough to deal with someone’s reaction to hearing “no.”

Living Boldly for Christ in School

Living Boldly for Christ in School

Emma Mae Jenkins encourages young listeners to express their Christian faith boldly as she describes how she herself was inspired to become brave in sharing the Gospel with her schoolmates, even in the face of bullying and other opposition.

How to Respond When Your Kids Are Bullied

Parents can help their kids break out of the bullying cycle.

Girl in classroom wearing backpack watches classmates

Mean Kids or Bullies: What’s the Difference?

Teaching children how to recognize the difference between unkindness and being bullied

Mean Kids

Equip your kids to take a stand against bullying.

Creating Monsters

There is a personal and societal cost of bullying.

Young girl holding up her hand to communicate "stop"

A Practical Approach to Bullies

How can parents help children deal with bullies on the bus, playground or wherever? Here’s some practical advice.