
Conflict Resolution

Family with different personalities

Navigating Personality Differences at Home

Take some time to learn about the personalities of people around you. The goal is for your family to take the frustration that can come from different personalities and turn it into understanding how different personalities can benefit each other.

How to Help Your Kids Behave Better

Establishing expectations and executing them with love can help you tame a young child’s negative behavior.

When Your Spouse Won’t Support Your Great Idea

Independent thinking doesn’t automatically shut off after the wedding. So when your spouse doesn’t agree with your great idea, how should you negotiate a solution?

The Truth About Lying

Teach your children to consistently tell the truth.

When You Can’t Make It Better for Your Stepkids

I wanted to fix my stepson’s problems. But I had to accept that they weren’t my problems to fix. It took some time for me to realize this. Here are some truths I have learned about letting go.

I’m so Mad!

Helping children develop healthy ways to think through and talk about their anger.

When Your Teen Doesn’t Want to Move

Easing your teen’s fears and frustrations as you transition to a new home

A Marriage Beyond Hope?

An ill child, a bankruptcy and  a parent’s death put pressure on Erik and Kelley Shamblin’s marriage. An affair made things worse. With the help of intensive counseling, the couple is making it.

Discipline Discord

In blended families, conflicts often run deeper than the surface issues. Letting go of the past and establishing trust through open communication is vital to building a healthy marriage and family.

Couple standing and talking in their junk-filled garage. He's holding a surfboard, her arms are resting on a picnic basket.

Garage Sale

I like garage sales in general. I mean, why put your garbage in Hefty bags when you can sell it? The problem is, the stuff my wife wants to get rid of is not garbage — it’s my collection of treasures.

Java With Juli: Love Your Husband by Loving Your Mother-in-Law

By building a good relationship with your husband’s mom, you can show your husband that you love him. Here are some ways you can reach out to your mother-in-law and create a peaceful family bond.

Illustration of a mom and dad putting out a fire

Extinguishing Marital Conflict

Marriage conflict often involves more than simply an issue over which the couple disagrees. How the couple interacts and the negative feelings experienced by each person also affect communication.

Mom holds a happy, confident son

A New Goal for Discipline

Discipline that seeks to build God-honoring identity leads to God-honoring behavior — find out what that means.

Start With Respect

Get over your need for your step kids to like you.

When Values Collide

Parents can and should try to safeguard their children from the influence of the world, but when the “world” is the other household, parents face a difficult challenge.

A Marriage Restored

One couple learned to restore the joy in their relationship with a visit to the National Institute of Marriage.

Happy couple washing dishes together while young kids watch

Your Kids Are Watching Your Marriage

How is your marriages equipping your kids with the skills they need for interacting with their future spouses? 

Marriage Is a Battle . . . But Not Against Each Other

Every marriage has a mortal enemy, a mighty nemesis named selfishness. Dr. Greg Smalley offers insights on how to win the battle in your marriage without fighting each other.

Illustration of boy sitting on the floor coloring. His dog is lying next to him and mom is baking in the kitchen.

Do You Need to Lighten Up

Don’t settle for a gloomy household. Instead, discover the fun in everyday family life.

Are You Rewarding or Bribing Your Child?

Do you know the difference between a reward and a bribe? One encourages exasperating behavior and the other teaches kids the joy of doing what is right.