When deployment is over, ease your transition as you renegotiate leading and submitting with both spouses in the home.
Family Roles & Relationships
The intentional act of slowing down to create a margin for family time provides benefits that will carry forward in every family member’s life.
Children build their self-confidence through learning small, real life skills.
By following a three-step process, couples from differing ethnic backgrounds can overcome the marital stressors resulting from the conflicting cultural assumptions they bring to the marriage.
Our families are being fed a line about “having it all.” But that’s not the end of the story.
What are the roles of Christian men and women in marriage? And why does it matter? Here are a few things to consider.
Compared with off-spring from married, intact mother/father homes, children raised in same-sex homes are markedly more likely to…
Help your teens discover their spiritual gifts as a means for helping them gain direction in their life.
Here are faith activities to teach kids about freedom through our relationship with Jesus.
Grace and forgiveness are necessary a healthy home and faith. Asking our children for forgiveness is an essential parenting trait.
Help children understand the importance of family and family relationships.
Because Mike and I were widowed, not divorced, we thought we’d found the easy button for blending families: no joint-custody or child-support hassles.
Fathers have the awesome responsibility of laying a spiritual foundation in the home. But what does that mean, exactly? How can you be the dad your family needs?
Do your teens have unrealistic expectations of what they deserve? If so, you may be training them to feel entitled. Break the parenting habit of giving them privileges without responsibility.
Kids need clear boundaries and limits. Find out how boundaries and limits are part of the seven essential traits of parenting.
Foster a strong relationship between your children and their grandparents by creating opportunities for them to interact
Becoming a grandparent brings with it a new parenting style. Here are 5 tips to help you transition from being a parent to a grandparent.
Is your teen hurting? Instead of lecturing, try guiding your child with these three principles
What is a worldview and how does it impact how we view our family and our consumption of entertainment? Discover how you can find meaning through building a strong foundation and worldview upon the Christian faith.
Intentionality in parenting means making a purposeful decision to spend time connecting with your kids. Intentionality is one of the seven traits for effective parenting.