Unspoken communication can be at least as powerful as words.
By tuning in to your spouse, the two of you can enjoy more meaningful, rewarding communication than ever before.
Does your heart ache when your children are rejected by others? Here’s four perspectives that can help them work through painful rebuffs.
Active listening is a powerful tool in any relationship, but is an essential skill in marriage.
Couples can build a healthy marriage when they offer encouragement to bring about change, growth and the fulfillment of potential.
Is your teen hurting? Instead of lecturing, try guiding your child with these three principles
Relationships are like a dance. Communication takes effort, but with practice, each of us can be a safe place for our loved one’s tender needs.
Couples who have stood the test of time have developed relationship glue — big and small acts of kindness, respect, and thoughtfulness extended to one another on a consistent basis.
Speaking so your grandchildren will listen, is more about personality types than it is about the generation gap.
Counselors Milan and Kay Yerkovich offer helpful insights on learning how you show love to others, particularly your spouse, and explain what steps you can take toward loving like God does and breaking negative patterns to create a deeper, richer marriage. (Part 2 of 2)
Counselors Milan and Kay Yerkovich offer helpful insights on learning how you show love to others, particularly your spouse, and explain what steps you can take toward loving like God does and breaking negative patterns to create a deeper, richer marriage. (Part 1 of 2)
When your child wants to tell you something, your first instinct might be to try and solve the problem. But what if one one of the most effective things you can do is listen? John and Danny discuss how listening to your child can help improve the relationship with him or her. Featuring Crystal Paine
One of the best things you can give your spouse during the holidays is time. Use these Christmas conversation starters to build intimacy with your spouse.
To determine marriage health, couples need to monitor their relational fitness to catch problems they might miss. Here are some questions to help you.
Active listening is important when you’re talking to your spouse. Here’s how to focus on your spouse’s feelings and deepen your relationship.
Paying the right kinds of attention to your children is easier when you become more aware of each child’s personality and temperament.
Find little ways to encourage your children to listen and obey.
Dwelling on truth will help your child make wiser choices and discover better solutions to the challenges she faces.
Spouses can’t always agree, but how they respond to disagreements can either strengthen or strain their marriage. Learning to listen first and speak second in emotionally charged discussions is important.
Knowing how to talk to your kids can feel overwhelming. To guide our kids toward independence, we need to walk alongside and support them.