Be a Lifeline for Families in Crisis!

Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,573 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.
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Be a Lifeline!

1,573 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.

Be a Lifeline!

Deliver life-changing biblical resources to struggling families every month.

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Be a Lifeline!

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Marriage Mentoring

3 Ways to Create a Godly Marriage

It’s possible to overcome challenges, find hope and step into the marriage God intended for you. Chad Robichaux offers a few pointers to help kick-start your marriage.

A couple stands on opposite sides of a wall, holding hands with expressions of distress, symbolizing the challenges when others don't know how to help people facing marital disterss.

How to Help People in Marital Distress

Sometimes even the best of intentions can lead to more problems.

Four friends, two married couples, sit together at an outdoor table, sharing laughter and engaging in meaningful conversation, symbolizing the value of investing in other married couples.

20 Creative Ways to Invest in Other Married Couples

A mentor is someone you can turn to for wisdom and support — and someone who can help you make the most of your marriage.

Jack & Sherry Herrschend:

Jack and Sherry Herschend: Their story of marriage, mentoring, and service

In 2024, Jack and Sherry Herschend accomplished something more spectacular than a ride on the Time Traveler roller coaster. They celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.

A woman types on her smartphone in a bright kitchen, illustrating how to comfort someone over text with a calm and thoughtful expression.

How to Comfort Someone Over Text

With a simple text, you can comfort someone and pass along powerful encouragement, just as the apostle Paul did in his letters.

A distressed woman sits with her head in her hand while a man angrily gestures towards her, depicting emotional abuse in marriage.

Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse in Marriage

Are you concerned that a spouse is being emotionally abused in their marriage? Find out which behavior patterns signal abuse.


3 Myths About How To Be a Marriage Mentor

What does it really take to mentor other couples? Longtime marriage mentors dispel three misconceptions.

married couples mentors and mentees stand on a rooftop, laughing and enjoying each other’s company on a sunny day. They are casually dressed in colorful sweaters, with arms around each other, and the backdrop features a wooded area

What to Look for in a Mentor

Every good mentor — or mentor couple — should have these three qualities.


Couple Friends: Double Dating to Strengthen Your Marriage

Along with a couple’s relationship with God, it takes a supportive community of friends to keep a marriage strong.

Two young couples hanging out in a kitchen, enjoying each other's company

Premarital Counseling With Marriage Mentors

If you are preparing for marriage, we can’t emphasize enough (both from research and personal experience!) how important it is to have the support and encouragement of a veteran couple to walk alongside you. If you are looking for premarital counseling with a mentor couple, here are some common questions that you might find helpful! …

A couple in thier late 30's talk with a couple in thier early 20's on a back porch.

Five Misconceptions About Mentoring

Maybe you’ve heard about mentoring but don’t really know what it is. Let’s clear up five of the most common misconceptions.

A photo of two couples sitting in a circle, holding hands in prayer. Before you mentor a young couple, it can be helpful to understand their thinking and attitudes to best serve them.

How to Mentor a Young Couple Successfully

The Bible exhorts married couples to come alongside others to help them in their relationships. Here are some tips to help you mentor younger couples.

Two couples sit in a circle in discussion with one another. Finding a mentor couple willing to counsel you and your spouse takes time and effort. Here are practices you might find helpful when learning how to find a mentor couple.

Finding a Mentor Couple for Your Marriage

Finding a mentor couple willing to counsel you and your spouse takes time and effort. Here are some practices you might find helpful.

A young couple sits with a mature couple in fellowship around a couch. Marriage mentoring can be important in helping young couples navigate the issues they will face together. Here are five ways to find a mentor couple.

Marriage Mentoring: Five Keys to Help Find a Mentor Couple         

Marriage mentoring can be important in helping young couples navigate their lifelong journey together. Here are five ways to find a mentor couple.

A church group of four couples and a leader sit on a couch in discussion. A thriving marriage ministry is the key to healthy churches and healthy marriages.

5 Ways Marriage Ministry Builds Healthy Churches and Marriages

By prioritizing marriage ministry, churches can build resilient and vibrant congregations that reflect the transformative power of faith, commitment, and community. As we invest in the well-being of marriages, we nurture families and cultivate a flourishing church community as a beacon of hope and love.

A young husband pleads his case with his wife while she holds her head in frustration. The wife wants better communication.

Wife Wants Better Communication in Marriage: A Guide for Mentors

When talk between spouses seems shallow to them, what’s missing? How can you help a couple have better communication in marriage?

Marriage 911 logo on a red background

Marriage 911 – The First Phone Call

The church is ready. Your mentor team is trained. And you’ve just had a couple request a Marriage 911 mentor. Now what?


Wife Unhappy With Spiritual Leadership: A Guide for Mentors

The topics of spiritual leadership and spiritual intimacy are a common source of conflict in marriage. What advice should a mentor offer?


Praying for a Friend’s Marriage: How and What to Pray

Praying for a friend’s marriage doesn’t require eloquence, but it does guard that marriage against the demonic forces trying to dismember it.


My Spouse Disagrees With My Dream: A Guide for Mentors

When one spouse wants to pursue their dream, but the other disagrees, what can they do? You can help them find a win-win solution.