

Control and Motherhood

Is there such a thing as being in control when you’re a mother?

Girl thinking about God leading the steps of a mother

Can I Be a Good Mother?

You may feel alone and far away from God, but He cares deeply for you – and He cares for your baby in the same way.

Mom and dad playing with toddler in field

Torn Between Being a Wife & a Mom

Almost every married mom can relate to the dilemma of whether to spend time with the kids or time with her husband. There’s angst when they feel like they have to choose between those they love.

Do the Inconvenient

Sacrificing convenience — sometimes that’s how God uses parents to help draw others closer to Jesus.

Anything You Can Do, My Child Can Do Better

What do you do when you find other children saying real words, while your child is still mumbling indecipherable gobbledygook?

The Rift Between Moms

What would it look like if we loved other Moms, as Jesus loved us, instead of taking out a measuring stick?

When Parents Compare Kids

Comparing a child’s development isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when parents become competitive, the result can be troublesome.

Young, smiling father balancing his toddler daughter who’s sitting on the edge of his desk

What Options Does Your Family Have?

Today’s family has expanded options for making ends meet and nurturing family life.

Navigating the Decision

Tips for deciding if and how much to work outside the home.

Young, pensive girl looking up at her mom who’s holding a briefcase and dressed professionally, as if she’s leaving for work

Embracing Your Version of Motherhood

There is room for all of us, and we need to come alongside each other. We are not only our roles: wife, mother, employee, stay-at-home parent. We are the fullness of who God made us to be.

The Sacrifices Moms Make

Every day we change the course of the future because we influence our children in their faith and walk.

The Real Job of Moms

A mom’s primary job isn’t cooking dinner, changing diapers or helping a preschooler glue colored macaroni on a coffee can as a Father’s Day gift.

Practical Tips for Parents-to-Be

Practical Tips for Parents-To-Be

Seasoned parents have a wealth of “been-there-done-that” advice to offer. Read on for suggestions that are sure to get you headed in the right direction.

Debunking First-Time Parenting Myths

As if the stress of being new parents isn’t enough! We’re setting the records straight on several misconceptions about pregnancy and early parenthood.

Becoming a Parent

Becoming a Parent

The nine months from conception to birth will change your life forever. We’re here to help you prepare for this exciting new adventure.

Homemaking Mother with her baby in a carrier making dinner

The Art of Homemaking

Homemaking is majoring in family relationships.

A mom sitting on a couch, either comforting or cuddling with her young son who’s got his face buried in her lap

The Value of Stay-at-Home Moms

Stay-at-home moms create an environment where bonding takes place and children learn to attach to relationships.

Taking Care of Yourself

We need to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of our family.

Being Available for Your Kids

Children need Mom to be available for them.

Mistress of the Universe: Learning to Let Go of Control

Releasing your grip on the circumstances in your life and the lives of others is healthy for everyone.