Be a Lifeline for Families in Crisis!

Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,573 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.
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1,573 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.

Be a Lifeline!

Deliver life-changing biblical resources to struggling families every month.

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Be a Lifeline!

1,573 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.


creating security in difficult times begins with being honest with your children. Father having a heart to heart talk with his little girl sitting on the couch

Creating Security in Difficult Times

Being honest with our children is important. Even in stressful times, it can build trust. Developing an understanding of your family’s unique fears and stresses can benefit your ability to cultivate security.

Holy week and Easter activities for kids of all ages

New Ideas for a Christ-Centered Easter

Simple ways to celebrate Easter with your kids

A social contagion like rapid onset gender dysphoria can affect teenaged girls like this dark haired teenager sadly looking at her phone late at night on her bed

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: A Social Contagion?

Have you ever noticed how societal trends can influence the personal identities of an entire generation?

Why Did My Dad Leave Me?

While you may never know the reason that your father left you, there is one thing you can be absolutely sure of: You have a Heavenly Father who loves you and will never leave you or forsake you.

mom comforting her sad teenage girl after learning of her parent's divorce

How to Talk to Kids About Divorce and Marital Affairs

A marital affair can be devastating to a family. There is no one easy answer for talking to your kids, as every child and situation is different. If you are facing this situation in your family, here are seven tips for talking to your kids after any sort of marital crisis has occurred.

teen reading scripture

Encouraging Spiritual Formation in Young Adults

Parenting isn’t easy, but it can be supremely rewarding when done according to God’s plan.

tween girl and her mother nose to nose

Best Gift Ideas for the Preteen on Your List

Some of the best gift ideas for the preteen on your list provide familiarity with family stories, legends, and lore.

Young boy smiling as he reads Clubhouse magazine on the lawn. John 7:11

Teaching Our Kids to Be “In, Not of, the World”

Raising our children in the admonition of the Lord is done through the little decisions we make daily.

Little girl closing her eyes ,being handed a Christmas present

Focus on the Family Christmas and Holiday Gift Guide

This Christmas season, give your children a gift that will help them discover the why behind Christmas instead of focusing on the what.

Young girl kissing her dog on the nose

Reflecting God’s Faithfulness

Help children see the awesome reliability of God’s faithfulness through these age-appropriate activities.

Little boy looking at an Advent Wreath. Why is Advent so important?

Why is Advent Important?

Advent is a time of hope. When we show our children Advent’s profound truths, they receive a higher hope than anything this world can offer.

Mother and son lovingly touching foreheads, nurturing gratitude.

Nurturing Gratitude in Your Child’s Heart

Nurturing gratitude doesn’t always come easy. It’s an intentional part of parenting, and an important trait every family can cultivate.

taming your wild child little girl with her arms up in the air and sun glasses

The Secret Sauce to Tame Your Wild Child

Having a wild child can bring the eyes of judgment in every aisle of the grocery store. More discipline is not always the best answer. Explore how love, respect, grace, and forgiveness can equip you as you respond to your wild child.

How to Talk with Your Kids about War

How To Talk With Your Kids about War

You never know how talking about war might unlock a different view or perspective for both you and your kids.

little girl with a surprised look on her face as she watches television

Talking to Kids About Mass Violence

We can’t shield our kids from hearing about war, mass shootings, and violence against innocents. But how should you talk to them?

adult man grieving with his head down, sitting on a bench

How to Help Your Adult Child Cope with Grief

I’ve found that ultimately, even when my children want to be respected as an adult, they also crave the comfort of a parent.

setting boundaries with adult children can be good. This graying father and his son are sitting on the couch smiling and talking

Redrawing Boundaries With Adult Children

How much control does, or should, a parent have over an adult child?

Caring for Teens with Autism

Raising teens with autism takes patience and an ability to expect the unexpected. It’s a hard road, but a road with honor.

disciplining children, young girl with a big hugging her mother

How Disciplining Children Creates Happy Childhoods

These simple ways of disciplining your children enables other adults to see past your children’s behavior and enrich their lives.

Science and the Bible

Science and the Bible: Seeing the Master Behind the Design

Science and the Bible aren’t meant to be separate or at odds with each other. Instead, science can be experienced because a brilliant Designer created our world.