Sex education can be intimidating. Yet, God created sex. Find more ways to teach healthy sexuality to your children.
On the scale of uncomfortable things to talk about with your young kids; masturbation hovers around the top. But as awkward as it is, ignoring the topic won’t make it go away.
Few words carry more awkwardness and confusion than puberty. However, this is the most critical point in your son’s life. Take initiative in leading your son through these physical, emotional, and mental changes.
Your tween girl needs you as she starts to go through physical and emotional changes associated with puberty. Learn how to appropriately approach the topic of puberty with your daughter.
My daughter hit puberty before other girls. What should I do to help her?
As adolescents undergo changes to their bodies, they will need to understand what’s happening, develop a positive body image and care for themselves.
In today’s world filled with social media and outside influences, mothers often struggle to connect with their daughters as they enter the confusing preteen and teen years.
My preteen daughter started her period. What should I do now? How do I approach this conversation with her?
Learn how to prepare for the upcoming transition in your preteen’s life. Understand these three keys to helping your kids launch into this next stage of life.
Tweens and teens experience many physical and emotional changes that can be confusing for parents. Dr. Meg Meeker explains those changes and offers tips for parents to respond effectively so their sons and daughters can thrive during their teenage years.