An often-forgotten side to the gift-giving tradition is that your spouse is sharing something meaningful, possibly as a way to spend quality time together. Learning that is a big part of marriage.
Challenges, stress and painful trials are going to be part of your life together. The key to a thriving marriage is to learn how to manage the crises that are inevitable.
Before getting upset with your spouse, have you stopped to think about his or her intentions?
Couples lose their orientation towards God and each other when buffeted by cultural ideology, family history and personal choices that are contrary to God’s plan.
Holiday Stress While “dashing through the snow” could be written today as “speeding down the interstate to the mall,” both statements sound stressful to me. With the arrival of the holidays, many of us experience an odd mixture of excitement and dread as we prepare to celebrate the season. We get excited about the lights, …
Is your husband moody, angry or fearful? He may have difficulties at work. Dr. Greg Smalley offers practical methods that his wife, Erin, has used to help him navigate these work-related challenges.
Most people struggle to manage their stresses in marriage effectively. And unmanaged stress in one spouse usually escalates stress in the other. But reactions can be complex.
Being honest with our children is important. Even in stressful times, it can build trust. Developing an understanding of your family’s unique fears and stresses can benefit your ability to cultivate security.
In planning your wedding, are you consumed by financial anxiety? Combat the stress as a team!
When you first got married, you laughed all the time with your spouse. You loved to play with your beloved, and you took delight in him or her. But it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Has the fun evaporated from your marriage due to the heat of stress or responsibility? Laughter can help with that. …