Whether your family has a long history of traditions or your new family is approaching the holidays for the first time, these Thanksgiving traditions can bless your family.
Ages 19 + (Adult Child) Everyday Parenting
Spend time planning how you will successfully model Christ’s love to your children as you manage extended family dynamics.
It is dangerous for you when you don’t choose to forgive others.
You can move forward after a rift with your adult children by learning new ways to build trust and respect between you and your child.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Just when you thought it was safe to enjoy your newly empty nest, your adult child decides to move back in. Here’s how parents and grown children can work together to make the experience a positive one.
Understanding the motives that complicate our communication with our adult kids is necessary for strengthening our relationship with our adult kids. Keep reading to learn how to you approach this age and stage for your adult kids.
One family made an intentional choice about how they would respond to their adult daughters wild and immature behavior.
We no longer get to make the “right” decision for our adult children. But we can keep our expectations from planting seeds of bitterness that may eventually overflow into our relationship with them.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Psalm 127:4
We can’t sacrifice the future that God has for our kids because of our own fears and insecurities. There is a middle, a balance, and a transition. Here are some ways to help your teenager successfully transition into adulthood.
Releasing your son to be the man and husband God created him to be, is hard, but can be one of your greatest blessings.
Whether your children are fully grown, or still crawling on your lap, the power of an apology can transform your relationship.
What do you do when your adult children don’t make the choices you wish they had?
For Christian families, there’s an overwhelming importance upon understanding the roles of female and male. However, our culture emphasizes different aspects of these roles from Christianity. In the Christian context, the origin point for this conversation lies at the beginning: the creation of woman and man.
We can’t change our adult children. But we can choose to keep communication open without compromising our convictions.
Crucial decisions made during the post high school years may significantly impact a young adult’s future.
Do you confront your kids when they’re not thinking clearly? Sometimes they will need you to intervene and help them deal with issues.
Fathers have the awesome responsibility of laying a spiritual foundation in the home. But what does that mean, exactly? How can you be the dad your family needs?
The world regularly teaches us ways to consume in our relationships rather than contributing to them. How, then, can we teach our kids to become contributors rather than consumers?