Tips to help you get started
You can experience God’s peace even when you feel off-balance
Three things to ask yourself when considering dating.
Discover the power of prayer in navigating life’s changes
Set free so we can love others well
Finding the courage to make new friends
What three women wish they’d known as teens…so they wrote letters to themselves
Embrace your adventure in this season of singleness.
Steps to connect when you feel left out.
Almost overnight, my sweet elementary school friends became the “baddest” girl gang at Pioneer Middle School. For no apparent reason, at least that I could see, I was their lone target. They cornered me between classes and after school. They mocked me and left cruel notes in my locker. For months, my muscles were tense, …
As a new parent, I recently realized that my husband and I will be our newborn daughter’s blueprint for how to navigate the world.
Here are a few shepherding tips that have helped me on this journey.
Find courage to define your relationship with him.
Knowing and believing the truths of what God says versus knowing how to find the lies of what culture says
Give your wandering mind a place to unload
Sexuality from a biblical wordview
Learn more about how to grow in your prayer life with Jesus as you step outside and create your own prayer walk
How to cope with anxiety about school shootings and other traumatic events
Let’s talk dresses, friends and truths about prom
Why being a true friend is more Important than having a best friend