What next? The Bible uses two terms to describe what happens when people say Yes to God and join His family. This experience, which was explained earlier, is being born again. New Christians are part of God’s family just as certainly as they are part of their earthly parents’ family. He is their Father, and …
Spiritual Growth
how do we know the bible is true? By: Robert Velarde The best-selling book in history remains one of the most controversial. Revered by Christians as God’s holy Word, the Bible spans centuries of history, contains a variety of literary styles and culminates in the person of Jesus Christ. But how do we know the …
If, for instance, the Bible is full of historical and factual errors or blatantly contradicts itself, it’s hard to trust it or view it as reliable.
Beginning a Bible Study
Some might scoff at the mention of a spiritual battle, but the Bible makes it clear that Christians have a very real enemy.
Not sure exactly what to pray? How and where to pray? We’ve got some helpful strategies.
In the book, “Same Kind of Different as Me,” a wealthy and beautiful Texan named Deborah Hall is drawn into a magnificent obsession of helping Union Gospel Mission in Fort Worth. Her husband recalls that the first time they visited the rundown facility in a bad part of town, Deborah stopped him in the parking …
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away …
You will grow in intimacy with God as you take the time to talk with Him each day.
DEAR BOUNDLESS ANSWERS I’m really excited about the new Boundless Answers feature. I enjoy reading the new columns every Thursday, and now something that addresses the issues facing young men such as myself only increases my anticipation. Here’s my question: How do I find out what God wants me to do with my life? REPLY …
Having intimacy with God means realizing that abundant life will never be found in another person.
The area in our lives where courage is most needed is love. To love deeply is to open yourself to inevitable suffering, usually through rejection or loss.
Teach your children about God in a way that captures their attention and changes their lives.
In his book, Driven by Eternity, John Bevere writes “. . . they live with purpose and know their eternal destiny is being written by how they live on the earth. This will provide them a grand entrance into the Kingdom of God, rather than them slipping in with all they’ve done burned up and …
Helpful tips for finding a church
Will you take the challenge to stop grumbling for a year? Tricia Goyer’s family did.
Simple, practical and fun ways to start—or start again—family devotions that the entire family will connect with.
Little moments in your child’s routine make for great times of worship to God.
Who is God? Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? What am I to believe about myself and the world around me? Since the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, more Americans are asking these questions. Research shows that 57% of Americans are asking “How can I find more meaning and purpose in my …
Praying as a family can be much more than a bedtime ritual.