When we’re excited about a relationship, it’s easy to overlook the red flags that at least need to be explored.
Marriage Prep
If you are preparing for marriage, we can’t emphasize enough (both from research and personal experience!) how important it is to have the support and encouragement of a veteran couple to walk alongside you. If you are looking for premarital counseling with a mentor couple, here are some common questions that you might find helpful! …
Don’t get swept away with the exciting notion that your soulmate has arrived. Check what the Bible has to say about soulmates first.
There are many principles that, if practiced, can help you build a solid marital foundation.
What does it take to build a fulfilling, lasting marriage? And, how do you prepare for that quickly approaching wedding day?
Non-Affectionate This is not the problem for most couples. Often there’s a need to restrain the passions that run so strong at this point in a relationship. Setting the flames of romance aside for a moment, is your friend comfortable with giving and receiving affection? Does he/she show appropriate affection to friends, parents, siblings, etc.? …
Jennifer is a single woman who recently divorced. Even though she has decided to wait a few years until her daughter is grown to reenter the dating scene, she’s confused about how to proceed. “When Madaline is out of the house I want to date, but I don’t know how.” Samantha has been divorced for …
How do you ‘celebrate your singleness?’ Here are some ways to go on the offensive.
There is a learning curve to a man’s leadership as a husband and father.
Controlling Your friend can manipulate in many ways: guilt-inducement, threats of abandoning you, threats of self-harm, yelling, physical aggression, isolating you, pouting, interrogating you, etc. It may be obvious; it may be much more subtle. You might be told that it’s really love, but deep down you know that’s not the truth. If you see …