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Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,604 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.

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Marriage Prep

Spiritual Red Flags

Divorce If your friend was married before, it’s vital to consider what happened in that former relationship and what factors were involved that caused the commitment to be broken. Society views remarriage as a given, but the Bible speaks to this important issue. Focus on the Family believes that Scripture addresses three specific situations in …

Photo of bride and groom cake toppers sitting barefoot at the edge of their cake, resting after planning their wedding.

Tips for Planning the Wedding Day

A few things to keep in mind when planning the biggest day of your life.

A young couple bring boxes in to an empty apartment. The stand in the doorway with looks of doubt, uncertainty and questioning on their faces. Many people mistakenly believe that living together is an effective way to test a potential marriage. But is cohabitation really a smart move?

Does Living Together Build a Stronger Marriage?

Many people mistakenly believe that living together is an effective way to test a potential marriage. But is cohabitation really a smart move for couples interested in a healthy, lasting marriage?

A young woman embraces her mother in the left foreground as her husband shakes hands with her father in the background. The husband has two suitcases, suggesting the woman is leaving home. A thriving marriage only works when both husband and wife leave home and cleave to each other in numerous ways.

Marriage Means Leaving Home and Cleaving to Each Other

A thriving marriage only works when both husband and wife leave home and cleave to each other. They must be prepared to do so in various ways.

A woman covers her mouth and jumps for joy as a man proposes to her on a beach in a sunset. A future marriage begins with the proposal: “Will you marry me?” Here some conversation starters to help plan your future marriage.

24 Questions to Help You Plan for Your Future Marriage

If you put off planning for your future marriage until after the honeymoon, you’ll miss valuable time getting to know the one you’ve chosen to partner with for the rest of your life. Here are some questions to discuss that will hopefully help your journey.

A male and female couple walk hand-in-hand into an orange sunset. Soul mates are not mentioned in the Bible, but the bible offers all kinds of advice on how to build a lasting relationship with your spouse.

Soul Mates: What Does the Bible Say About Discovering Love?

The term “soul mate” does not appear in the Bible. However, the Bible does provide us with plenty of guidance to help us form lasting relationships.

A young groom sits near a window contemplating his future. Don't completely ignore wedding day second thoughts.

Wedding Day Second Thoughts

At least one of the purposes of your engagement season is to make sure you’ve made the right decision.

A young man proposes to a woman on a dock on a lake in the mountains. Are you ready to wed?

Are You Ready to Wed?

How will I know that I’m ready to wed? Dr. Greg Smalley is often asked this question by engaged couples, so he offers his personal insights on how couples can better understand love.

A man places the ring on a finger of his bride at their. There is much power in the marriage vows.

Living Together but Not Married? Consider the Power of the Vow

A marriage vow is a special and powerful promise — and we need it for many reasons. If you’re living together but you’re not married yet, consider the power of the vow.

A man and a woman are standing together at their wedding. The woman is wearing a floral headpiece and a white dress, while the man is dressed in a dark suit.

5 Traditional Marriage Vows: What They Mean and Why They’re Still Important

There’s a reason traditional marriage vows have endured for centuries.

A father in law greets his son in law as the daughter embraces her mother in the background. Check out these 12 questions every father in law should ask his future son in law.

12 Questions Every Father Should Ask His Future Son-In-Law

What questions should you ask a young man who wants to marry your daughter?

A newlywed bride walks through a field of purple wild flowers. Here are 12 pieces of advice the author would share with her newlywed self.

12 Pieces of Advice I’d Tell Newlywed Me

For my 12 year anniversary, I’ve highlighted 12 pieces of newlywed advice I wish I could share with the newlywed version of myself.

A couple sits with a marriage counselor to learn the keys to a successful second marriage.

How We Built a Successful Second Marriage

Statistics doom second marriages like Jerry and Kelly’s. Seeking premarital guidance from a Christian counseling ministry was the logical choice to proactively protect their marriage.

A couple with three kids from a blended stepfamily after remarriage navigate crossing a creek by stepping over rocks.

Is Remarriage Right for You and Your Future Stepfamily?

Understanding the challenges of stepfamily living can help you make an informed decision about remarriage.

Husband and wife holding hands

Avoiding Threats to Your Relationship

There are a lot of problems that can cripple or fatally wound a marriage, whether it’s just starting or yet to come.

A young married couple celebrates their wedding. Studies show the best age to marry is between the lower to mid 20s.

What Is The Best Age To Marry?

There is not a great wealth of research on the best age to marry, but there is some good data that can be helpful.

A couple holding hands on their wedding day.

Are You Planning for a Marriage or Just Your Wedding?

Planning for “the day” or for a lifetime? Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley discuss the benefits of preparing for marriage and the beauty of God’s design for marriage.

An angry young couple sit on a couch engaged in a heated argument.

What Does the Bible Say about Fighting in Marriage?

It’s normal to have conflict — and it’s unavoidable. According to the Bible, what matters most is how you handle the fighting in your marriage.

A couple who were just married stand amidst fireworks on their wedding night.

Prep for the Wedding Night

A little preparation before the wedding will go a long way.

How Well Do You Know Your Fiancé? Ask these 100 Questions to Find Out

Marriage is a life-long relationship in which vows are made to your mate and to God, and therefore, never to be taken lightly. Be sure you really, truly know your fiancé before making that life-long commitment.