Whether you are searching, dating, engaged, or newly married, there are some truths you need to know about your future or current spouse.
Marriage Prep
I know the true desire that comes in knowing and feeling God. And nothing — no relationship, no sexual act, no person — can match that.
What will help you navigate your first year together? Two young couples reveal the marriage advice they wish they’d known before the wedding.
As if finding the “perfect” spouse isn’t stressful enough, the pressure surrounding “ring by spring” can add an extra dose of anxiety.
Pastor David Gudgel explains how parents can influence their teen and young adult children to avoid the risks of cohabitation and instead choose God’s design for marriage in a discussion based on his book Before You Live Together: Will Living Together Bring You Closer or Drive You Apart?
Should couples invest the most resources in a dream wedding day, a dream house or a dream relationship — one that lasts for a lifetime?
Author Gary Thomas discusses several issues within the modern dating scene – character vs. romantic attraction, the neurological impact of infatuation, the idea of soulmates – while encouraging singles to be intentional in their pursuit of a godly spouse. (Part 2 of 2)
Author Gary Thomas discusses several issues within the modern dating scene – character vs. romantic attraction, the neurological impact of infatuation, the idea of soulmates – while encouraging singles to be intentional in their pursuit of a godly spouse. (Part 1 of 2)
Engagement is such a joyful season — until it’s not. Don’t let wedding planning stress steal the sweetness of this season from you.
As you begin to meld your family’s customs with your spouse’s, what will you carry forward, and how will you form your own traditions in marriage?
The day I could no longer take credit for the gifts God had showered on me, I found the Creator of all was the One who had been giving them to me all along
Breaking off the engagement is difficult, but if you have doubts about getting married, it’s best to take things slowly and prayerfully.
When wedding plans suddenly change, heartbreak and disappointment can surface quickly. Here are four ways to process through the letdown.
Addressing sexual struggles, including pornography, before you say, “I do” is critical to the future of your marriage. But how do you tell your future spouse about your struggle with pornography?
Many married couples never think about what single people navigate in a society that celebrates “couplehood.” But there are tangible, helpful ways to encourage single friends and family members.
Most spouses have no idea the person they married was addicted to pornography before marriage. In almost every case there were red flags the fiances could have seen if they’d known what to look for.
The quintessential trait of a good husband is the tenacity to love at all costs. I can’t be like Him unless I return love when my ego is wounded and unless I pursue love when I’d rather avoid pain.
Any couple thinking about remarriage should make time to know each other better, to learn how compatible they are and to find ways to make their second marriage a success.
A secure and functional culture requires the establishment of stable marriages and the nurturing of families. Without healthy marriages and family life as a foundation, no community can long survive.
Alistair Begg explores the top six qualities women should look for in a potential husband.