Pain and confusion accompany job loss. When my husband lost his job, I understood the severity of the situation. Rejections and closed doors shook our confidence and even challenged our faith.
Marriage Problems
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes The world watched as the Ebola virus spread rapidly through several countries in West Africa during the spring of 2014. The tragedy of the Ebola epidemic hit home for Americans when it was announced that a missionary doctor in Liberia, Dr. Kent Brantly had been infected—and he was coming back …
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes It was the perfect day for the perfect game. That afternoon, Oct. 8, 1956, found New York City under clear skies with a temperature of 69 degrees. My mother and I sat in the stands at Yankee Stadium, down the first base line, under the overhang. The place was packed …
When you quit making small adjustments in your relationship, you head toward serious trouble. But small changes can become powerful tools for moving a couple back toward caring, closeness and healing.
When caring for an aging loved one, whose needs come first: the aging person or your spouse? Keeping your marriage a priority is vital to the long-term success of your relationship, and even your caregiving patience.
Begin today to look for the positive qualities in your husband and the story you’re living together. Think of ways to show him — and to remind yourself — you are thankful for this life you’ve built.
Divorce was never a part of God’s original, ideal design for mankind.
Sometimes even the best of intentions can lead to more problems.
Leaving and cleaving means to leave old relationships to embark on a new one — honoring the husband-wife relationship over all others. “Duck Dynasty” stars Al and Lisa Robertson share their advice.
Fallout from the data breach at Ashley Madison has been devastating, and as a result, many people have had their hearts broken. What now?
Cocaine, parties, affairs. Bill and Vicki Rose were on the path to ruining their marriage — until God redeemed them and their relationship.
One couple learned to restore the joy in their relationship with a visit to the National Institute of Marriage.
For a marriage to succeed, the couple must recognize that they are a team. It’s what a good marriage is all about — especially as it relates to raising and taking care of individuals with special needs.
Estimated reading time: 11 minutes Did you know that shifting your perspective on marriage can restore it? An excellent example comes from Tara, a young lady at the church I was working for at the time. She approached me one day after church and asked to speak with me. “You’ve got to help me. I …
Many marriages are blessed with a spouse who is a live-life-to-its-fullest spender, while the other spouse saves each penny. But too often, husbands and wives end up feeling like they’re on opposing teams.
Our childhood experiences and relationships with our parents affect the way we relate to our spouses. There are five unhealthy love styles we develop as a result of our trauma as kids. Here’s how to identify each.
Bo Stern writes of her husband’s struggle with ALS, testifying to God’s strength being made perfect in their weakness.
The holidays are over. Has the New Year brought to light old habits?
Are you concerned that a spouse is being emotionally abused in their marriage? Find out which behavior patterns signal abuse.
When my husband deployed, my world fell apart. But God pieced me — and us — back together, stronger than ever.