If you and your spouse argue about the same money issues over and over, it may be time to look below the surface.
Marriage Success
Consider the following ways to avoid or end an extramarital affair and learn about the importance of knowing your spouse’s primary needs.
There are many things that newlyweds experience and one of them is disillusionment.
When you were dating, he was attractive and neat. Now he doesn’t even pick up after himself. What should you do?
After getting married, seeing your wife in a new, perhaps disappointing light can damage your relationship. Here’s what you can do about it.
After the wedding, it’s common to view your spouse in a new, perhaps disappointing light. Here’s what you can do about it.
Marriage is not primarily about finding the right spouse. It’s about being the right person.
Every good mentor — or mentor couple — should have these three qualities.
Along with a couple’s relationship with God, it takes a supportive community of friends to keep a marriage strong.
Dr. Henry Cloud describes how vulnerability makes a difference in marriage as it builds trust and empathy between a husband and a wife.