Having open and honest communication around money management, you and your partner can share personal goals and concerns, understand each other’s financial habits, establish alignment, and agree upon a shared vision.
Money & Finances
What do you do when it feels like you and your spouse can’t agree about money? John and Erin will share how to be patient when you and your mate are struggling to find financial unity. Featuring Mr. Chuck and Mrs. Ann Bentley.
Money. It’s one of the most common reasons couples fight. To help ease financial tension, John and Erin will share a helpful key for when you’re frustrated with your spouse’s financial choices. Featuring Mr. Chuck and Mrs. Ann Bentley.
In a discussion based on her book The 21-Day Financial Fast, Michelle Singletary offers expert guidance for managing your money wisely so that you’ll experience financial freedom and peace. (Part 2 of 2)
In a discussion based on her book The 21-Day Financial Fast, Michelle Singletary offers expert guidance for managing your money wisely so that you’ll experience financial freedom and peace. (Part 1 of 2)
In marriage, it takes relying on God’s wisdom to make wise choices. The same can be said for the financial choices you make. Erin Smalley and John Fuller discuss how to rely on God when you need to make big decisions on money. Featuring guests Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn.
In a marriage, each spouse tends to have different priorities when it comes to money. In the same way, husbands and wives usually have different fears regarding finances. John Fuller and Erin Smalley offer thoughts for overcoming money fears as a couple. Featuring Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn.
In a marriage, one spouse tends to save money while the other prefers to spend it. When that’s the case, how can you work together? John, Greg and Erin offer some ideas for how to get on the same page financially in your relationship. Featuring Mr. Jeff and Mrs. Shaunti Feldhahn.
Financial stress is one of the most common reasons for conflict in marriages today. But, it’s also something that many couples are uncomfortable talking about. John chats with Greg and Erin about how they’ve overcome financial challenges in their relationship. Featuring guests Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn.
As Russ grew in his understanding of God’s perspective on tithes and offerings, he realized there are powerful reasons to give.