Do you know how to parent your creative kids? Poet Tanner Olson has some advice for you. Learn how to effectively connect, support, and encourage the creativity in your family.
Age & Stage
Are your kids beginning the the middle school years? Learn how to plan ahead and make adjustments to pave the way for a strong transition from elementary to middle school.
Navigating the return of adult children can be challenging. Nonetheless, it can also be a blessing for both generations if you start out right.
Friendships and self-identity will have a profound impact on adolescents and may need guidance from parents.
Help your kids as they change homes and re-establish routines during the school year.
How can parents stop enabling and set boundaries for adult children?
In today’s world filled with social media and outside influences, mothers often struggle to connect with their daughters as they enter the confusing preteen and teen years.
An interview with author Robin Gunn, reveals how God used her heart for missions for reaching young hearts through her writing.
Why do people cut themselves? A former cutter offers her view on a world she’s grateful to have left behind.
The school choice that we make for our children can have a significant impact on their desire to learn, as well as, having an impact on their future personal growth and success.
Homeschool curriculum options for the Christian family that are free or low cost.
In his final years, my father slipped into dementia and eventually struggled to remember even the simplest daily things. But he never forgot the power of the Holy Spirit working in his life.
When fathers take the time to build relationships with their sons, they help them develop their identity, confidence and perseverance
When fathers are attentive to their children, they build relationships that encourage healthy child development.
Little moments in your child’s routine make for great times of worship to God.
Sometimes it feels like there’s not enough of us to go around because parenting is nonstop. Use these strategies to go from restless to resting in God’s peace as a parent.
Too much screen use in the bedroom is a big part of why teens don’t get enough sleep.
Any topics, conversations, or even a mention related with sex can be awkward for you and your preschooler. Much less a situation like this. Learn how you can use this moment to build positive momentum for conversations about sex with your child.
The best way to raise our children with a Christian worldview, is to teach them to counter unbiblical ideas.
Teaching children biblical principles, is especially important when it comes to how they handle money.