
Age & Stage

Anxiety ridden teenaged girl, holding a phone, being comforted by her mother.

How to Help Teens with Anxiety

If your teen is experiencing anxiety. You are not alone.

4 parenting styles

4 Parenting Styles and Effective Child Discipline

How do you get your children to obey, and what should you do when they won’t?

family prayer. young, blonde child with her head bowed to pray, and her hands folded in prayer.

Grow Together in Faith With Family Prayer

Praying as a family can be much more than a bedtime ritual.

Prevent the Sexualization of Your Daughter

The sexualization of young girls has numerous effects on mental health, identity, and sexuality. However, as a a parent, you can positively shape your daughter’s development throughout the critical ages and stages of her life.

kids doing chores. Little boy with a big smile, in a red shirt, doing the dishes as his daily chore

Personality Differences: Conquering Chores Together

Learn to navigate communicating the importance of doing chores to your kids and form your perspective on how chores can impact your family.

How to Have a Great Christmas With Your Young Adults

Celebrating the holidays with clear communication and healthy boundaries with your young adults will make your time together more memorable and enjoyable.

20 cute ways to tell your husband you're pregnant

20 Cute Ways to Tell Your Husband You’re Pregnant

You know who the first person you want to tell is, so here are 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant.

social media use and mental health struggles

Is There a Link Between Social Media Use and Mental Health Struggles?

“I’ve seen lots of news stories linking adolescent social media use to bad mental health outcomes. What’s the connection between these things?”

truth about porn - illustration of a teen reaching into murky waters

The Truth About Porn and How It Affects You

Porn is not just a “guy problem.” Uncover the truth about porn and how it affects you, even if you don’t view it.

Living Your Best Life Later

Living Your Best Life Later: The Power of Writing Letters to Your Kids

In his book Your Best Life Later, pastor Andy McQuitty explores how writing letters to his kids not only prepared his kids to live their best life, but also how he could live his best life as a father. Explore these messages from Andy to positively impact your parenting approach with your kids.

summer camp sexual assault

Summer Camp and Sexual Assault: How You Can Protect Your Kids

Unfortunately, summer camp environments do not guarantee your children’s complete safety. We want to come alongside your family as you prepare to send your children to summer camp so they can be safe and enjoy their time away.

teens and technology

Train Your Teens to Manage Technology Wisely

Our long-term goal as parents is to raise children who will practice self-control and manage technology well on their own.

Back to School Blues

Overcoming the Back to School Blues

Does your kid have the back to school blues? Discover some tips to help your kids overcome their negative feelings about returning to school.

child's study skills

Simple Tools for Improving Your Child’s Study Skills

Helping your kids strengthen their study skills will pay off in the long run as their grades improve and they build self-confidence.

The Source of Self-Worth

Our teens’ self-worth must come from their knowledge of who Jesus is and from the assurance of His love and care. Parents can emphasize these truths as they model acceptance, forgiveness and love.

mother daughter conflict

Mom: Friend or Foe?

Ask the Lord to give you empathy for your mother, to help you understand, and to show you how you can love and support her in her struggles.

25 Things I Want My Kids to Know

There are hundreds of things to teach our kids during their lifetime. Here are just twenty-five things that I want my kids to know. What would be on your list?

Hope For Parents of Prodigal Children

If you’re experiencing the loss of a prodigal son or daughter who isn’t currently in touch with you, you probably feel helpless. Here are some ways to understand a prodigal child and find hope if you have a prodigal child.

We Are Created to Move: 5 Fun Exercises for Kids

God intentionally created our bodies to move! Here are some fun ways you and your kids can get some exercise together.

6 Ways to Help Your Highly Sensitive Child Thrive

Parenting sensitive children is a tremendous privilege and responsibility. Here are six ways that we can help our highly sensitive child thrive through our parenting.