

young mother sitting next to a Christmas Tree holding her knees Grieving

Coping With Christmas After Losing a Child

Dreading the holidays after losing a child is normal.

adult man grieving with his head down, sitting on a bench

How to Help Your Adult Child Cope with Grief

I’ve found that ultimately, even when my children want to be respected as an adult, they also crave the comfort of a parent.

What Can You Do to Safeguard Your Teen from Suicide?

Unfortunately, a guarantee doesn’t come with the safeguarding suggestions, but they can help prevent teen suicide. 

Helping Someone Deal with Grief

The weight of sorrow can feel unbearable, but with compassion, understanding, and the love of God, it is possible to help someone who is grieving.

Surviving a Child’s Suicide

How does a parent recover and move on from the tragedy of their child committing suicide?

Mothers and Fatigue

Find ways to cope by making sleep a non-negotiable within the demands of motherhood.

How to Cope with Your Child’s Suicide

God is greater than suicide. Trust him to provide strength, courage, and endurance for the journey of life after suicide.

How to Parent Children with Bipolar Disorder

Parenting a child with bipolar disorder can be difficult. Here are some ways you can help your child with bipolar disorder.

Happy young family sitting on couch and talking with family counselor. Smiling parents with adopted children discussing with counselor. Multiethnic family meeting a financial agent.

Supporting Adoption in the Church

Maybe people, and possibly even adoptive families themselves, might wonder if their efforts are a waste. We must make sure they know that Jesus, who cares for vulnerable children, sees what they are doing as admirable.