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Sexuality Q&A

Solemn girl looking out car window. Black and white photo.

How to Find Counseling Support for Teen With Sexual Identity Issues

Our teen daughter struggles with her sexuality and wants to dress like a boy. We want to help her respect God’s design for sexuality while also keeping our relationship with her strong — but we always end up arguing with her. How can we find a professional therapist who can help us sort it out?

Grandmother walking with grandchildren in forest

Grandparents Threatened to Either Support Transgender Grandchild or Be Cut Off

Our grandson is being supported by his parents (our daughter and son-in-law) to “transition” to a girl. They say that if we don’t call him by his new female name, they’ll cut us out of their lives. We don’t know where this is coming from or what to do. How do we show them love …

Dark storm clouds sit over an empty country road on the plains

Parent Suspects That Child Might Be Gay

If I think that my teen might be same-sex attracted, how should I talk to him about it? He’s mentioned the subject several times, so I’m getting concerned.

How Do I Talk to My Teen Son about Wet Dreams?

My teen son had a wet dream last night. What should I do next? How do I talk about this with him?

What are the Effects of Sex Education and Gender Ideology on Young Children?

What does sex education really do? I want my kids to be aware of certain topics that I think are important, but I don’t want them to be exposed to ideology I don’t agree with. How do I know where to start?

Is Gender Dysphoria in Children a Permanent Condition?

I’ve heard a lot of different things about transitioning in children and its connection to gender dysphoria. Is this a permanent condition?

Are Trans-Youth at a Higher Risk for Suicide?

I’ve heard that trans-youth are at a higher risk for suicide. Is this true?

cross-sex medical treatment

Is Cross-Sex Medical Treatment Harmful for Minors?

I’ve heard about transgender medical treatments for children and adolescents. Does it work? If so, is it harmful for teens?

Preschool boy covering face so he can't see.

Preschooler Walked in on Parents Having Sex

What should we do about our young son walking in on us during sex?

Mom and daughter having fun at festival

Helping a Teen Girl Become a Woman

What can my husband and I do to help our teenage girl become the woman God wants her to be? In this gender-bending society, we’re especially concerned to make sure that she retains her femininity while also growing up to be a strong, well-adjusted, self-sufficient adult. Any suggestions?

Dad and daughter posing in sunglasses

How Dads Teach Daughters About Modesty

How can fathers help their girls learn about modesty? I want my daughter to get a handle on this concept before she becomes a teen, but I feel awkward about raising this subject with her. I realize that as a dad I can either be a big asset to her in this area or embarrass …

mom talking to young son on bed

Talking to a Young Child About Sex

At what age should I begin teaching my child about the “facts of life?” He’s still small —in fact, I would have assumed that he’s not old enough for “the talk” yet. The problem is that he’s already been hearing a lot about the subject. It’s obvious that he has picked up certain words from …

two girls on sled in winter snow

Parents Concerned About Young Kids Interacting With Gay Neighbors

A lesbian couple with young children recently moved in a couple of houses down the block. Our kids have struck up a friendship with their kids, and I’m at a bit of a loss as to how to handle the situation. I want to teach my kids to be loving and accepting of the children. …

Teen boy holding a pregnancy test and looking uncertain.

Parenting a Son Whose Girlfriend Is Pregnant

How should we respond to our teenage son who has gotten his girlfriend pregnant?

teen boy and girl holding hands

Parental Guidelines for Teen Dating

What rules and guidelines should we set for our teenager who wants to start dating?

edge of pink dress with fairy wand

Three-Year-Old Boy Plays Dress-Up With Sisters

Should I allow my three-year-old son to play dress-up with his older sisters? He not only enjoys putting on the same frilly dresses they wear, but the costume jewelry as well. This doesn’t seem like healthy behavior to me. What can I do to stop it?

Young Child Fondles Genitals

Is it unusual, abnormal or immoral for my child to be touching or playing with his genitals? I’ve caught him at it several times at home, and once it even happened in public. What should I do?

young boy reading a book

Concerns About a Boy Developing Healthy Masculine Traits

How can we be sure that our young son will grow up to be a healthy, fully masculine man? He’s only five years old, but his mother and I are already concerned about certain aspects of his behavior and temperament. He avoids loud, rough-and-tumble play, and so far he hasn’t shown much interest in team …

boy lying on the floor playing

Concerned about Young Son’s Masculinity

Should we be worried about our little boy’s sexual identity? He’s still very young, but he likes to play store and draw pictures all day long, and he can’t throw a ball three feet. Is he turning into a “sissy?” What can we do to help him develop a healthy sense of his masculinity?

middle aged woman sad ashamed holding face in hands

Parent of Two Kids Involved in an Incestuous Relationship

What should I do now that I’ve discovered that two of my children have been engaging in sexual activities with one another? Needless to say, my spouse and I are shocked beyond words. Where do we go from here?