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Sexuality Q&A

teen girl looking on phone

Parent of Teen Involved in Sexting

What’s the best way to stop a teenager from using her cell phone to send and receive sexually explicit messages and photos? We recently discovered that our daughter has become involved in “sexting.” When confronted about this, she claimed that this kind of activity is harmless since it doesn’t involve any physical sexual contact. How …

Young woman holding head sad in front of window

Parent Has Discovered That Their Child Is an Incest Victim

What should I do now that I’ve discovered that someone in the family has been coercing my child to participate in sexual acts? Where do I turn for help? As you can imagine, this shocking revelation has sent me reeling.

man and woman shaking hands over desk coffee computer

Parents Disapprove of Young Adult’s Romantic Relationships

How can we help our grown son choose better girlfriends? He’s still living with us, and we’re anxious to see him “grow up,” move out on his own and get married. He’s brought several girls home to meet us over the past few years, but so far he’s shown very poor judgment and we haven’t …

person in shadows hand reaching out

Parent Concerned About Kids’ Vulnerability to Human Trafficking

Do you think there’s any danger of my kids becoming victims of sexual exploitation? I’ve never been a big believer in overly tight controls for my teenagers. My feeling has always been that they should have an increasing amount of independence at this stage of their development. I don’t enforce strict curfews or ask a …

young boy covering his eyes

Personality Change in a Pre-Teen Boy

How do we deal with an unhappy and contrary pubescent boy? Our ten-year-old son has just hit puberty, and it seems to have drastically altered his personality. He went from a generally happy little boy who laughed all the time to a miserable pre-teen who is always fighting with someone – my wife and me, his …

boy tux prom standing in front of car girl inside

Preparing Boys for the Prom

How can we help our son have a successful prom night? He’s excited about this event, but I’m afraid he may also be a bit naive, both about the cost and the potential moral pitfalls. Any suggestions for some helpful tips and basic ground rules?

girls skateboarding teens

Parent Concerned About Tomboyish Tendencies in Daughter

Should I be worried that my daughter might be “transgendered” because she likes to dress and act like a boy and spends a lot of time playing sports with her dad? After watching a television talk show on this subject, I’ve begun to wonder whether there might be something more to her behavior than mere …

shadow of couple against sunset

Risk Factors for Teen Premarital Sex

How can I know if my teen is likely to engage in premarital sex? My spouse and I have tried to raise our kids in the right way, but we’re keenly aware that the culture is working against us. Promiscuity is fashionable nowadays and sexual temptations are everywhere. How can we guard against it? Are …

Woman babysitter on couch with 5 young children

Same-Sex Socialization and Toddlers

How important is same-sex socialization for toddlers? When we put our two-year-old son in daycare, the provider had oversight of eight kids-seven girls and one boy. Since then the other boy’s parents have made different arrangements, leaving our son as the only male child in the facility. As his dad, I’m worried that this situation …

older mom and daughter hugging on beach

Sexually Active Adult Child Bringing Partner Home

Should we allow our unmarried adult daughter to share a room with her boyfriend in our house? She lives out of town, and she plans to bring this man home with her for Christmas. To our disappointment, they have been sexually active for some time, and I know they’ll expect to sleep in the same …

pregnancy test positive woman hand holding test

Son’s Girlfriend Is Pregnant: Marriage As a Possible Solution

Should our son be encouraged to marry his pregnant girlfriend? It’s a regrettable situation, but at least she’s planning to keep and raise the baby. Both of them are emotionally immature, financially dependent, and basically ill-equipped to establish themselves as a family. In spite of this, some of our Christian friends have suggested that he …

Talking With Kids About Abortion and Homosexuality

At what age should I start discussing topics like abortion and homosexuality with my children? They’re still in elementary school, and I have no wish to violate their innocence any earlier than I have to. At the same time, I’m also aware that they’ve probably already encountered talk about these subjects. As I’m sure you …

Talking With Teens About Dad’s Same-Sex Extramarital Affair

Can you advise me as to how I should talk to my teenage kids about their dad’s homosexual affair? I’ve just been informed that he’s divorcing me and leaving the family for another man. That’s bad enough, but what especially concerns me is the thought of how this is likely to impact my kids. I’m …

Teen Attitudes Toward Intercourse and Oral Sex

Is oral sex really sex? We stumbled upon an entry in our daughter’s journal and discovered that she’s been involved in oral sex. That was disconcerting enough, but when we confronted her she argued that oral sex isn’t really sex at all, and that it’s “safer” than vaginal intercourse. She even claims that she’s still …

frustrated man leaning against wall

Teenage Son’s Girlfriend Is Pregnant, Wants to Raise Baby

How can we persuade our son and his girlfriend to think more seriously about what they’re going to do with the baby they’ve conceived?

Telling Children About a Parent’s Past Affair

Should we tell our children that their mom had an affair?

mom and dad smiling at baby

Understanding Sex-Specific Differences Between Mom’s and Dad’s Roles

When it comes to parenting children effectively, are there any truly meaningful distinctions between the contributions of the mother and those of the father? As a dad, I’m actively involved with my kids on the weekends and evenings, and I even go to school meetings when I can. Is there something special I’m supposed to …

female hands holding phone

Understanding Teen Sexting

As a parent of a teenager, is “sexting” something that I need to be concerned about? I’ve heard a few stories about this on the news, but I’ve never felt that my daughter would be susceptible to temptations of this kind. We haven’t talked about it because I’m really not up to speed on the …

Understanding the Sexual Pressures Teens Are Facing

Why are so many teens making bad sexual choices? This worries me because I have teenage kids of my own and I’m anxious to help them avoid serious mistakes in this area. Can you help me get a better handle on teenage attitudes about sex?

Young Child Has a Precocious Interest in Relationships With the Opposite Sex

Should I be worried when my preschooler talks about having a boyfriend? I wasn’t too concerned until recently when she and a boy of the same age kept going off into a corner of the yard “to be alone” as they played with other neighborhood kids. What do you think about this?