Child Abuse: What Should We Know? God’s desire is for all children to be protected. His angels watch over them, but we know that many types of abuse and neglect happen in homes. There is no class distinction. Rich and poor, well-educated and high school dropouts, the handsome and the plain; no group is immune …
Foster Care
A foster care social worker provides holistic preparation to foster families. Learn more about their responsibilities and what you can expect when working with them.
The Hospital Sitter program was created to ensure children in foster care are not alone during their stays in the hospital.
Trust-Based Relational Intervention®, more commonly known as TBRI®, is a model developed to address the challenges inherent in caring for children impacted by trauma, often including those impacted by adoption and/or foster care. The creators of TBRI, Drs. Karyn Purvis and David Cross, aptly share that trauma impacts the “5 B’s: Brain, Body, Biology, Beliefs, …
Brightening Summers Children across the nation get excited for summer.AND Being away from school is an exciting break for most. For children in foster care, the summer does not always carry the same sense of comfort and peace. (AS CAREGIVERS,)Whether we are a caregiver, parent, or volunteer to a child in foster care, we can …
We fell in love with “L” right away. Placed with us at 17 days old, he had the sweetest disposition and the biggest brown eyes. Though his biological mother was struggling, the dependency court gave her a case plan with the goal of family reunification. What is Family Reunification? If you’re even somewhat familiar with the …
A parent once asked, “Why is it that the minute our family is having a fun time together and things seem to be going well, is when our child melts down? It feels like it comes out of the blue. We have been doing so well, and then instantly we see all the bad behaviors …
“God sets the lonely in families…” Psalms 68:6 NIV
Wherever we are in the adoption triad, we can experience fulfilling lives and success at foster care and adoption through God’s abundance.
God is calling us to be a trusted voice like Joseph and to bring wisdom and solutions to a government searching for answers and reaching out to the church and faith partners for answers in unprecedented ways.