Hear one woman’s powerful story of redemption and transformation.

Laura Perry Smalts understands the pain and confusion that result from embracing a transgender identity. In this FREE, 5-part series of video clips, titled “Transgender to Transformed,” you’ll experience her powerful story of being delivered from the lies of the transgender movement and finding her true identity in Christ!

This series of short clips will help you:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the transgender movement.
  • Think biblically about questions of gender and identity.
  • Balance grace and truth while addressing this contentious issue in our culture.

Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you the entire 5-part series right away for Free.

Laura Perry Smalts understands the pain and confusion that result from embracing a transgender identity. In this FREE, 5-part series of video clips, titled “Transgender to Transformed,” you’ll experience her powerful story of being delivered from the lies of the transgender movement and finding her true identity in Christ!

This series of short clips will help you:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the transgender movement.
  • Think biblically about questions of gender and identity.
  • Balance grace and truth while addressing this contentious issue in our culture.

Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you the entire 5-part series right away for Free.

Fill out the form below, and we’ll get you the whole series right away.

Enter a name that is at least two characters long. (Characters can be letters of the alphabet, an apostrophe, hyphen, space, or period.)

Enter a name that is at least two characters long. (Characters can be letters of the alphabet, an apostrophe, hyphen, space, or period.)

We take data privacy seriously. Your information will be kept safe and will be used to send you your video series and relevant practical resources for your family.

© 2024 Focus on the Family, 8605 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80920
1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459