
Family Focus Newsletter | April 2024


It all begins with marriage.

From the beginning, God blessed marriage. “In the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them” (Genesis 1:27-28 ESV).

God created marriage to be the cornerstone of the family. And families are the foundation of our communities. It all begins with marriage. And that is why what you do for marriages matter.

Your generosity helps provide critical resources for husbands and wives like broadcasts, podcasts, online articles, and our Hope Restored marriage intensives. Your faithfulness is strengthening marriages like Rhonda’s.

She wrote this to say thanks:

“Your website is a wonderful resource! I searched your online content for articles that seemed most applicable to our marriage and printed them out for me and my husband to use. We started out from broken and damaged childhoods and families. I admit that the articles opened old cuts and wounds that for years had been buried, never to be unearthed. The first few weeks of discussing and applying the gained knowledge and case studies were very painful and ugly, but now, weeks later, we are closer than ever before. You would think that after almost 39 years of marriage we couldn’t get any closer! Wrong — you can, and you should! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and encouragement.”

Thank you for allowing God to use you to save and strengthen marriages.

Redeem a couple in crisis!

With nearly half of all marriages ending in divorce, families are at risk today. But you can bring healing to a couple in crisis and save an entire family.

Your support today will ensure couples get the resources they need to miraculously save their marriage. From encouraging broadcasts and podcasts to insightful online articles and our transformative Hope Restored marriage intensives, you’ll provide struggling couples the with tools they need to find healing and restoration in Christ.

With just $37, you can help save one marriage through the biblically based programs and resources of Focus on the Family. Please give today to restore marriages and strengthen families.

Explore God's plan for marriage.

In appreciation for your gift of any amount, you can get a deeper look at God’s plan for marriage in three informative and downloadable booklets by Focus on the Family’s Glenn T. Stanton. You’ll learn how marriage is woven throughout the divine narrative, why marriage matters, and what happens when marriage fails.

Get the entire downloadable set for your ministry support of any amount today.

Image of Jim Daly

Jim's Heart

Your deep concern for marriage and family is one of the ways our Lord is at work. Unfortunately, we’re living at a time when the institution of marriage has come under heavy assault. The very definition of marriage has been called into question by those who embrace unbiblical views and practices, and far too many marriages — Christian and otherwise — end in divorce.

As I consider the state of marriage in the 21st century, I can’t help but reflect on the 77-year marriage of former president Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, who died this past November at the age of 96. Theirs was the longest presidential marriage in U.S. history. People’s opinions about the Carters’ political views will vary, but there’s no denying their unwavering commitment to one another and to their family.

A few years ago, President Carter shared one of the practices that helped his marriage continue to thrive: “Every night we read the Bible together … One night she reads and the next night I read. It’s hard to stay mad when you read the same passage of the Bible together.”[1]

Friends like you are helping to achieve strong, lasting marriages like this that are built on a foundation of biblical faith. For one thing, your support makes possible an extensive online “library” of articles, Q&As, videos clips, and broadcast episodes that speak to any number of marriage-related topics. For a glimpse, just go to

One of the most dynamic and life-changing ways in which you minister to married couples is through our Hope Restored marriage intensive program. This highly effective outreach provides skilled, professional intervention when a husband and wife find themselves on the brink of divorce. Through the guidance of specially trained and licensed counselors, over the course of several days, couples are equipped with the tools they need to navigate conflict and communication in healthy ways.

Here’s what one wife and mother relayed to us about Focus’ influence on her family:

Thank you for your ministry and the many ways you have personally impacted my life and the life of my family…I was living my dream life, married to my high school sweetheart, and raising our three beautiful children. But about five years ago, our life fell apart and it became clear that our marriage was deeply broken. I knew we were in desperate need of help and that Hope Restored was a safe place to turn. The counselors and the quality of care we received at Hope Restored were amazing…It has been a long, painful, and difficult road to restore our marriage; but when God is invited into the process, anything is possible! Our lives have been transformed, our marriage redeemed, and our family is still together! We are on a new path ahead and now share a greater purpose together! God is so good, and He is still working miracles around us every day. We are forever grateful for the work you do at Focus on the Family and specifically Hope Restored. –Lauren

This is the kind of marriage-saving work God is doing every day at Hope Restored to nurture, defend, and strengthen marriages. But our work is not done. Right now, nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Couples in crisis need your help!

Every dollar you give as a champion of marriage and family is received with deep gratitude and is sown directly into critical family ministry. As we look ahead to these remaining weeks of spring, may the Lord’s faithfulness, goodness, and love be tangibly evident to you and your loved ones.

God bless you!

Jim Daly
Focus on the Family


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