
Family Focus Newsletter | February 2024

Image of boy wearing headphones while painting at the table.

Empowered by peace!

By Jim Daly, President

During the past several months, it certainly seems like our whole world is on fire. Terrorists attack Israel with unspeakable brutality while cultural wars rage here at home.

The foundational concepts of family, marriage, social justice, patriotism, faith, life, and religious freedom are under attack. Families are stressed and on the edge. Where can we find peace?

God’s Word gives this promise. “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3 ESV).

That is why I’m so thankful that friends like you make our daily broadcast possible. Through special guests, testimonies, and life-changing resources, you help couples, parents, and individuals keep their minds and hopes on God.

Your continued support keeps us broadcasting on stations across the country and through Focus on the Family’s Daily App — with broadcast episodes and podcasts available anytime.

Did you know that The Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast is currently on 2,010 stations with 5.3 million weekly listeners? And through the App you make possible, hurting people can find help and healing anytime and anywhere.

In today’s cultural climate, this type of encouragement is more important than ever for hurting souls! You are pointing the way to the God of peace … to His shalom.

Help families find Christ's peace through biblical broadcasts

You can offer families the healing and peace of God’s Word when they need it most.

Your gift to support episodes of Focus on the Family with Jim Daly will help families find direction and encouragement in God’s Word anytime and anywhere. You’ll offer hope and guidance on marriage, parenting, cultural issues, and more. Through special guests, heartfelt testimonies, and transformative resources, you can meet people in their most desperate times with encouragement and genuine solutions rooted in God’s Word.

Every $17 you give will air one episode of Focus on the Family with Jim Daly. Please click the button below and give your best today to make episodes and podcasts available in your community.

Image of the book "No Reason to Hide: Standing for Christ in a Collapsing Culture" by Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer

No Reason to Hide

In No Reason to Hide: Standing for Christ in a Collapsing Culture, bestselling author Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer explains what is behind our nation’s spiritual freefall. He’ll also equip you to defend your biblical beliefs with confidence and compassion. 

Get your free copy with a generous gift of any amount to support Focus on the Family today!

Image of Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family

Jim's Heart

Greetings from Focus on the Family! I hope these first few weeks of 2024 are going well for you and your loved ones. The beginning of a new year can be so exciting and full of anticipation for what the Lord has in store — or, depending on our circumstances, it can be characterized by uncertainty as we journey through difficult trials and wonder how things will play out in the coming months.

Whatever you may be facing, it’s my prayer that you are looking ahead with great peace in the assurance of our Heavenly Father’s sovereign care. May we all live each day according to the exhortation offered by the writer of Hebrews: “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

We are grateful for friends like you who help serve as a conduit to divine help and healing so that families can learn to thrive in Christ. Your generosity shares the life-changing hope of God’s Word when they need it the most through episodes of Focus on the Family with Jim Daly. Your support sends the encouragement of Christ right into their car, kitchen, office or anywhere all over the world.

Our very first broadcast aired on March 26, 1977. Hosted by Focus on the Family founder Dr. James Dobson, it was carried by 40 stations — but by 1980 it was being heard on 200 stations and was formatted as a daily 15-minute program. The following year our “Focus on the Family” broadcast was lengthened to 30 minutes per episode. I first stepped behind the microphone in 2010. Now, alongside my co-host, John Fuller, I have the honor of hosting a daily broadcast that is heard by more than 6 million listeners each week on nearly 2,000 radio stations across the country.

Through the broadcast, you deliver encouragement, wisdom, and even humor to millions of folks on a regular basis. The broadcast tackles a variety of family-related subjects, in addition to the occasional interview pertaining to important legislative issues that impact families. It’s a privilege to feature guests with expertise and inspiring testimonies, whose experiences have uniquely positioned them to “comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which [they themselves] are comforted by God” (2 Corinthians 1:4).

Testimonies over the years show God at work! I’ve lost count of the number of times listeners have reported that one of our programs addressed the very topic they to hear in a desperate moment. I’d like to share just two of the accounts that have reached us in recent months:

My cousin was pregnant and the few physicians she met with at the time said the baby would most likely not live. That being the case, they tried to convince her to abort her child. She was devastated but held strongly to her belief and morals. Nonetheless, she felt very alone. Meanwhile, I was listening to Focus on the Family broadcasts on my way to work. This goes back to when Dr. Dobson was still on the air. I convinced my cousin to connect with one of your precious, compassionate counselors, and she did. It changed everything for her she received the prayer, encouragement, and advice she most desperately needed. Today her son is in his late 20s and is an ambassador for God’s kingdom. On a more personal note, the Focus on the Family broadcasts I’d listened to every day provided help and hope for me when I was going through my own heartache. They helped me grow and brought me closer to the Lord. God has since blessed me with a wonderful, godly man to whom I’ve been married for 25 years. When we were deciding what charities to give to, without question, I immediately chose Focus on the Family so that others in need would be able to find the same help my cousin and I did. –Evelyn

Isn’t it incredible to think that our broadcast prompted a woman to connect her frightened, pregnant cousin to one of our counselors — and that at-risk baby is now a young man who loves and serves the Lord.

There are countless other families and individuals around the world whose lives have been touched and changed — and who have even received eternal salvation — through our radio outreach you provide.

As a non-profit ministry, broadcasts are only possible through the generosity of friends like you. It takes just $17 to air one Focus on the Family episode. Your gift today will share the transformative messages of God’s Word wherever and whenever today’s families need encouragement and hope.

You’ll offer guidance on marriage, parenting, cultural issues and more. Each episode you provide will mean the world to hurting couples, bewildered parents, and individuals in crisis.

If your own family is walking through a challenging season, we’d love to come alongside you in any way we’re able. Call 1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459) or email to [email protected]. You can find information at

The love, support, and prayers of friends like you mean more than words can convey. May the Lord’s blessings be with you and all your loved ones this month and throughout the days to come.

God bless you!

Jim Daly


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