
Family Focus Newsletter | October 2023



You restored broken families.

God is at work through you to save marriages, empower parents, rescue mothers and babies from abortion, give children and families in foster care hope, and more. Here’s a quick glimpse of the impact you’ve made on families so far in 2023 . . .

Evangelism— 170,000 decisions for Christ.

On average this year, you’ve helped 465 people commit or recommit to Christ every single day through Focus on the Family resources and outreaches.

MARRIAGE — 350,000 stronger marriages

You also helped save over 50,000 marriages in crisis in the last 12 months through critical resources like Focus on the Family’s Hope Restored™ program. This year, you helped expand Hope Restored programs into Texas and Arizona, with more to come. That means an additional 1,550 couples reached per year!

PARENTING — 280,000 parents equipped to raise children in faith

Your support provides resources like our daily broadcast, podcasts, print and online materials, counseling resources, Adventures in Odyssey®, Plugged In®, Bring Your Bible to School Day® and Live It monthly challenges, Raising Highly Capable Kids™ , and award-winning magazines — Brio®, Clubhouse® and Clubhouse Jr®.

ENGAGING CULTURE — 690,000 people inspired to impact culture

Over 690,000 people have been inspired and equipped to promote biblical and pro-family values in culture because of the resources you provide like magazines, events and programs that support life, family and faith.

SAVING LIVES — 500,000 babies saved and 390,000 families helping children in foster care

Your support continues to save lives through our Option Ultrasound™ program. The My Choice Network saw 4.5 million clicks to the site with 350,000 of them connecting with pregnancy medical center. You’ve also helped children in foster care through Focus on the Family’s Foster Care and Adoption program, including Wait No More® events.

This holiday season, you’ll be inspired by award-winning artist Morgan Weistling’s latest painting. Called “A Lasting Love,” this beautiful scene captures the truth of love for a lifetime between a mand and woman  — God’s design for the family. This piece features a man and woman sharing a sweet moment after church in the country chapel.

Add this special edition giclée print to your current art collection or start one. This unique timeless print makes a great addition for your home this holiday season and all year as a reminder of the importance of marriage and family. And it’s the perfect gift for those you love!

Get your unsigned print with your gift of $150 or more to support Focus on the Family. Or share a generous gift of $300 and get your print signed by the artist. Please allow 5-6 weeks for shipping.

You can bring healing to more families!

You can reach even more families with Focus on the Family Scriptural resources through your support today.

Your gift today will provide Focus on the Family broadcasts, print and online articles, counseling resources, and other tools to bring God’s healing to families in crisis. And when you share a gift of  $150 or more to support Focus on the Family, you can get an unsigned print by artist Morgan Weistling called “A Lasting Love.” Or share a generous gift of $300 and get your print signed by the artist.


Jim’s Heart

Greetings from your friends at Focus on the Family! Can you believe we’re in the final months of 2023?! I am deeply grateful for all the ways God is working so faithfully through you.

You are helping to save marriages, equip parents, protect life in the womb, advocate for vulnerable children, empower citizens, and spread the Gospel far and wide. It’s become customary around this time of year for me to offer you a “year in review,” of sorts — a look back at some of the ways the Lord is multiplying your efforts for the sake of families. I’d like to do that again this month.


From the very beginning, God has placed a high priority on the covenantal institution of marriage. Genesis 2:24 offers the blueprint for this foundational relationship: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

Helping couples endure together through commitment, sacrificial love, and a devotion to Christ is one of the highest callings you help accomplish through a variety of means — such as audio, video, and print resources; events geared toward enhancing the marriage relationship; phone consults with on-staff counselors; and our Hope Restored marriage intensive program, which exists to assist couples in crisis. You’ve helped strengthen approximately 350,000 marriages throughout the past year.


I know you agree that children are a heritage from God and a blessing from His hand. God’s Word calls parents to raise, shape and prepare them for a life of service to His Kingdom and to humanity.

Your support helps parents raise children who love the Lord and represent Him faithfully to the world around them. Many of the resources and other ministry efforts you provide — such as the Raising Highly Capable Kids curriculum — are geared toward equipping parents who seek to guide their kids toward healthy adulthood. I’m pleased to report that, over the past year, you’ve helped empower 280,000 parents in their roles.

Engaging Culture

Never has it been more crucial for us to engage those around us with Jesus’ love, grace, and truth. You help equip people to do that through The Daily Citizen website (, partnerships with state policy groups around the country, broadcasts addressing pressing legislative issues, and various other offerings designed to encourage biblical citizenship.

Advocating for Children

We are passionate about standing in the gap for the most vulnerable among us — namely, babies in the womb and kids in foster care. Scripture makes it clear that these little ones are precious to Him. The Wait No More efforts you make possible are tailored specifically toward the latter aim, and endeavors such as the Option Ultrasound program, our See Life rallies, and the My Choice Network allow us to make progress toward the former goal.

Did you know that friends like you have had a hand in helping spare the lives of over 500,000 babies in the womb? You’ve also been able to come alongside 390,000 children in foster care. It’s incredible to consider the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been changed and even saved as you’ve helped us carry out this vital calling.


Of course, introducing people to Jesus Christ lies at the heart of all we do. We partner with you to nurture families because strong families are the primary vehicle by which the Gospel is advanced. Countless people have come to a saving knowledge of Christ or rededicated themselves to Him thanks to the Focus’ outreaches you support. In fact, in the last year alone 170,000 people who have accepted Christ through Focus.

Please give as generously as you can today to provide Focus on the Family broadcasts, print and online articles, counseling resources, and other tools to bring God’s healing to families in crisis. And when you share a gift of  $150 or more to support Focus on the Family, you can get an unsigned print by award-winning artist Morgan Weistling called “A Lasting Love.” This beautiful scene from the pioneering west celebrates the power of lifelong love in a marriage. Share a generous gift of $300 and get your print signed by the artist. Thank you for answering God’s call to families this year.

God bless you!

Jim Daly


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