
Family Focus Newsletter | September 2023


Thank you for Investing in Students through Bring Your Bible to School Day!

Bring your Bible to School Day is coming! On October 5, students across the country will celebrate their faith and religious freedoms by bringing their Bibles to school and sharing the Good News.

This nationwide, student-led movement encourages others with the hope we have in Christ. They are empowered to impact their culture with two simple steps — bringing their Bibles to school and sharing what God’s Word means to them.

The support of friends like you launched this important effort with the first ever Bring Your Bible to School Day in 2014. Since then, you’ve helped embolden hundreds of thousands of students of all ages with a bold faith.

Last year alone, more than 877,000 students participated at 50,000 schools across the country. In addition, over 5,000 churches got involved.

Here are just a few examples of the impact you make:

“I LOVE that Bring Your Bible to School Day gives my kids an opportunity to stand up for their faith and share it openly in a setting that is perceived as ‘off limits.’” -Jaimee, parent

“It’s important to spread the Gospel to the whole world, like Jesus commanded, and bringing my Bible to school is such an easy way to do that.” -Joshua, student

Through the Bring Your Bible to School Day movement, you also make possible efforts like monthly Live It challenges, practical ways families can shine the light of Christ. Thank you for equipping students to boldly live out their faith!

Tony Evans, bestselling author of Kingdom Man and Kingdom Woman, offers parents a resource to help raise their kids with a Kingdom perspective. Raising Kingdom Kids shares practical how-to advice on providing spiritual training and instruction from Scripture. Get your free copy for your ministry support of any amount today. Just mark your request on the response card and return it with your ministry gift in the envelope provided.

Equip Students to Celebrate Faith in Christ

You can help children celebrate their faith by joining the Bring Your Bible to School movement with your gift today.

Your support will help parents equip students to celebrate and live out their faith through efforts like the Bring Your Bible to School Day program. You’ll empower families to be living, breathing examples of God’s love and grace through events like Bring Your Bible to School Day, our broadcasts and other ministry programs and resources.

Jim’s Heart

Greetings from Focus on the Family! As we welcome another fall season and families everywhere begin to dive headfirst into a new school year with all of its activities and demands, I pray this letter finds you and your loved ones happy, healthy, and enjoying God’s many good gifts.

Children, of course, are among God’s greatest gifts to us — and here at Focus we count it a privilege to partner with parents like you to raise children who love the Lord and strive to honor Him in every aspect of their lives. More than ever we need young people in today’s world who are sold-out ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

It was in this spirit that, in 2014, friends like you helped launch an initiative known as Bring Your Bible to School Day, an observance that takes place on the first Thursday of every October. Bring Your Bible to School Day give parents like you a way to stand against the ongoing erosion of religious liberty here in America — and particularly the hostility to any expression of faith within public schools. In light of that growing problem here in America, you help give kids an exciting opportunity to reclaim their First Amendment rights while simultaneously opening doors for them to share their faith with classmates, teachers, and administrators.

By unapologetically expressing their dearly held faith and exercising their constitutional rights in a respectful, civil way, kids across the nation show all of us how to engage the culture boldly yet lovingly. We need more of that these days!

It’s been remarkable to see this venture grow over the years. Last year’s Bring Your Bible to School Day observance drew more than 877,000 students, representing 50,000 schools across the U.S. and involving over 5,000 churches. For every Bible that entered schools and classrooms from coast to coast, consider how many people were witnesses to the kind of non-combative, unapologetic discussions that were prompted by the hundreds of thousands of kids who were brave enough to stand up and be counted.

What’s even more impressive is that this is a student-led initiative — in other words, adults are not coordinating this event or ensuring that kids take part. Instead, it is the students themselves who are making the decision to participate and rallying their peers to get involved, too.

I hope you’re as encouraged as I am to know that the Lord is raising up a generation of young Christ followers who are not ashamed to testify to their faith in such a public way — and amidst such a hostile culture.

If you would like more information about Bring Your Bible to School Day so that you can pass it along to the young people within your sphere of influence, you may visit At this webpage you’ll also find information about our “Live It Challenges,” which offer practical ways to live out your faith and deepen your relationship with the Lord. You’ll also find a wealth of other information and resources, such as quizzes and activities, promotional materials, conversation guides, an overview of students’ rights, and helpful suggestions for churches who’d like to empower and equip the youth in their respective congregations.

This year Bring Your Bible to School Day is scheduled for October 5, and we’re praying that even more students will participate this year! I hope you’ll help us spread the word.

Empowering students through efforts like the Bring Your Bible to School Day program and other resources is so critical. That’s why I ask you to prayerfully consider giving today. Because we are a nonprofit organization, your generosity makes all the difference. With your gift today you’ll empower children and families to be living, breathing examples of God’s love and grace through Bring Your Bible to School Day, broadcasts, parenting podcasts, and other resources.

Thank you in advance for all you do to equip Christian children and teens who want to “shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15). We’re excited to see how God will work through you on October 5! May the Lord continue to richly bless you and your loved ones, and may His love, mercy, and truth be reflected in your life.

God bless you!

Jim Daly


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